LU Scholarly Inquiry Information Literacy & Scholarly Writing Discussion
Discuss what you have learned in this course in relation to each of the course competencies. Your post should include your reflections upon each of the six competencies. Specifically, reflect on the degree to which you feel you have demonstrated attainment of each of the competencies. (Consider this an opportunity for reflective practice!) Your initial post should address the following items. A few sentences addressing each item are sufficient.
What have you learned regarding how professional educators:
- Conduct scholarly inquiry appropriate to current issues in education?
- Apply critical thinking models to analyze professional problems, challenges, or issues in education?
- Apply information literacy skills to locate scholarly data, theories, and research?
- Continue to enhance their scholarly writing skills?
- Engage in reflective practice as a tool to analyze professional decisions, attitudes, actions, and skills?
- Analyze the characteristics of professionalism, including ethical behavior and respect for diversity and civil discourse?
Organize your initial discussion post using the following headings for each corresponding competency:
- Scholarly Inquiry.
- Critical Thinking.
- Information Literacy.
- Scholarly Writing.
- Reflective Practice.
- Professionalism: Ethics and Diversity.
Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2012). Critical thinking: Tools for taking charge of your learning and your life (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
- Chapter 5, “Standards for Thinking,” pages 91–121, provides in-depth discussion of the standards for thinking. You will use these standards to further illuminate your responses to two peers in this week’s discussion. This reading includes minimum intellectual standards in the following areas:
- Clarity.
- Accuracy.
- Precision.
- Relevance.
- Depth.
- Breadth.
- Logic.
- Significance.
- Fairness.
Review the following:
- Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2010). Universal intellectual standards. Retrieved from…
The core of effective leadership in education is centered on critical thinking. All the tough decisions require leaders to critically analyze problems, challenges, and issues through the lens of the critical thinker who consistently integrates critical thinking principles into all decisions about how to best lead educational organizations.
Throughout the course, we have emphasized key elements of your program and specialization while remaining focused on the factors needed for success as leaders in education. These factors are represented through the essential course competencies:
- Determine how action research and systems thinking apply to professional problems, challenges, or issues in education.
- Apply information literacy skills to locate and critically evaluate scholarly data, theories, and research.
- Critically reflect on one’s own professional decisions, attitudes, actions and skills to direct one’s own learning and growth.
- Analyze the characteristics of ethical behavior and respect for diversity and civil discourse.
- Apply scholarly writing skills.
This week, you will work to transition what you have learned in this course to the start of your specific program/organization. As you prepare to progress from your first course at Capella to the program-specific requirements and courses for your own field or specialization, we encourage you to save the resources, links, materials, tools, and feedback to help you create your success. You will also continue your focus on critical thinking this week with emphasis on Paul and Elder’s universal intellectual standards.