Academic Integrity Policy Essay Discussion
Academic Integrity Policy Essay Discussion
Compose a three-paragraph essay in which you examine possible violations of academic integrity policy. Study the three scenarios below, and explain in your own words whether violations of Walden’s policy occurred. Organize your paper by writing one paragraph for each scenario. You are not required to integrate sources in your paper. However, if you do use source material, please do your best to cite it properly, per APA style. You will work on developing your citation skills in the coming weeks.
- Student A was told by his instructor that half of his essay matched a paper previously submitted in a Walden course. Did the student violate Walden’s academic integrity policy?
- Student B used plagiarism-detection software called SafeAssign to check for accidental plagiarism. The student found a 30% match with source material. Did the student violate Walden’s academic integrity policy?
- Student C was told by her instructor that 20% of her paper contained word-for-word source language that included citations but not quotation marks. Did the student violate Walden’s academic integrity policy?
3. Academic integrity violations include the following: Plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as use of intellectual material produced by another person without acknowledging its source. For example: • • • Wholesale copying of passages from works of others into an assignment, paper, or discussion board posting, or thesis or dissertation without acknowledgment Using the views, opinions, or insights of another without acknowledgment Paraphrasing another person’s characteristic or original phraseology, metaphor, or other literary device without acknowledgment Students’ Misuse of Their Own Scholarly Work • • • 4. a. • • • • • During their studies at Walden, students may find themselves writing for a second, third, or fourth time on the same topic; regardless, their writing is expected to reflect new approaches and insights into that topic to demonstrate