Methodology and Study Design Project
Now that you are this far along in drafting your Prospectus, this week you will revisit IRB requirements and your responsibilities for designing an ethical study, completing Part II of the Nature of the Study.
To prepare for this Discussion, review both the IRB and ethics resources in your Learning Resources. In addition, review the section on receiving IRB approval on Walden’s Doctoral Capstone Resources website located in this Week’s Resources. Consider your selection of research design, methodology, population, sampling procedures, and data collection and analysis plans.
By Day 3, post:
- An explanation of the potential ethical issues, risks, and benefits of your proposed study, based on the questions in Section III, Potential Risks and Benefits, on the IRB Application.
- What you can do in formulating your entire research plan to ensure that it will pass initial IRB review?
Respond by Day 6 to at least two of your colleagues who have not yet had a reply, in any of the following ways:
- Provide feedback on your colleagues’ assessment of potential ethical issues, risks, and benefits. Offer suggestions to help them anticipate and identify these issues.
- Suggest ideas that may help them minimize risks and increase benefits, to strengthen their IRB applications.
- Comment on the ethics of their research plans. What can they do to enhance the ethical basis of the plan?
Review the readings, websites, and media listed in this week’s Learning Resources, write 3-4 pages on the following:
- Describe, briefly, the design you have selected, and whether your design supports quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods research.
- Describe, briefly, the methodology you have selected, whether quantitative, qualitative, or mixed.
- Explain why you chose this design and method and how you differentiate design from method. In what ways it is a logical method to answer your research question?
- Describe the alignment and consistency of the research questions, research design, and methodology.
- Describe, briefly, the population or type of data you plan to sample for your Dissertation, and why.
- Describe the data collection and sampling methods you plan to use and explain why you plan to use them.
- Describe at least two issues (e.g., reliability, validity, and/or ethical issues) that might arise when using the data collection and sampling methods.
- Explain how you would prevent and/or minimize each of these issues.
- Describe the specific type of analysis you might use (ANOVA, MANOVA, SEM, theming, concept analysis, etc.) to analyze your data and explain why. Be specific.
Support your Application Assignments with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.