Analyzing State Healthcare Policy
Please use the following policy for the assignment (…)
The goal of this project is to integrate the previous Critical Thinking Assignments into an interconnected exploration of a specific healthcare policy.For the Portfolio Project, you will complete a two-part assignment (further explained below). Pretend like you are making an appearance before a community group that is having a policy explained to them for the first time. Imagine that the group has no knowledge of what happens behind the scenes to create and implement a healthcare policy. You will not actually be required to present this to a group, but prepare the project so that it would be acceptable for an audience of that nature. The two documents are as follows:
- A mind map (via the Mind Map website) depicting the essential points and subpoints of your topic. Note: Think of the mind map as a visual outline of your responses to the questions listed below.
- A narrative explanation that covers the rationale, research, and processes involved in creating this healthcare policy. The narrative essay should serve as the commentary to accompany the mind map if it were being presented to the group mentioned above. Your narrative explanation should be 4-5 pages in length (not including your cover or reference pages).
This Portfolio Project will focus on state healthcare policy. Select a specific state healthcare policy, Provide information related to the following points:
- Explain the initial introduction process of the original policy.
- Assess the research that was conducted and/or analyzed to determine the need for the policy.
- Discuss how the policy was promoted or lobbied against at the state level.
- Review any other state entities currently working toward a similar policy or that have successfully passed a similar policy. Is the process similar or different?
Be sure your 4 to 5 page narrative paper, which does not include your cover and reference pages, follows APA style according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA.
Note: When you complete the Mind Map, you will be given a web address specifically created for the map. Type this web address at the top of the first page of your narrative, and then submit this information. Please note that you will be given a web address, as well as a view-only web address. The first address, which is not view-only, is the one that should be submitted.