Case Study: Gender and Feeding and Eating Disorders

Case Study: Gender and Feeding and Eating Disorders

Case Study: Gender and Feeding and Eating Disorders

Baring her naked, 60-pound figure, French model Isabella Caro posed for a series of advertisements warning of the dangers of eating disorders. Suffering from Anorexia Nervosa, Caro’s photos captured the grim physical and mental effects of the eating disorder. Her gaunt frame and vacant, hopeless stare conveyed the life of many who suffer from the disorder (Grimes, 2010). Typically, eating disorders are categorized by a persistent disturbance in eating and eating-related behaviors.


For this Discussion, consider the eating behaviors of the male client in the attached case study. Think about how an individual’s control of eating habits becomes an abnormality in eating behavior.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a diagnosis for the male client in the case study and explain your rationale for assigning these diagnoses on the basis of the DSM-5. Then explain how gender and culture impact the presentation of an eating disorder. Give at least 2 specific examples.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to current literature.

3-4 Paragraphs. APA Format. In-text Citations to Support Literature. Minimum of 2 Peer Reviewed References.



Feeding and Eating Disorders Feeding and Eating Disorders Program Transcript [MUSIC PLAYING] MALE SPEAKER: All things considered, I’m doing pretty well. I own my own consulting firm. I help online businesses identify and build their customer base. The company keeps growing every year, so I’m kept pretty busy. I’ve got I made, really. I have more free time to play with than most people, a lot more. But to be honest, I’m not happy with my life right now. I wouldn’t be otherwise, right? FEMALE SPEAKER: So tell me what’s going on for you. MALE SPEAKER: Well, I can’t seem to keep a relationship going. I have so much good in my life right now, but just not that. I’ll start going out with someone a couple of times, and they stop returning my calls. I used to think that it was just a run of bad luck, but now I know that it’s me. I’m just not very