American InterContinental University Purpose of The Literature Review Essay

American InterContinental University Purpose of The Literature Review Essay

American InterContinental University Purpose of The Literature Review Essay

Purpose of the literature review

A literature review must, by it’s nature, be critical (Martinez, n.d.). This is not for the sake of being mean-spirited though. It is necessary for the researcher to definitively learn for themselves what has already been discovered on a specific topic. Surprisingly, at least to me, is that the literature review is considered the most difficult chapter of a dissertation (Patterson, 2012). It may be an annoying tautology, but there is truth in that we do not know what we do not know. How can one know what exists on any given topic until one exhaustively seeks out the information? Original ideas are not as common as one would think; therefore, is it essential that the researcher look into as many scholarly sources as possible (except dissertations and theses) on their topic (Patterson, 2012).


Moreover, it is used to demonstrate to the reader that the researcher has a clear understanding of what the evidence says and what it does not say. Regarding what the evidence says, it is important

that the researcher paraphrase rather than use direct quotation Walden University Writing Center, 2015b). This is to show that the information has been processed rather than merely found and

repeated. When a researcher notices what is not said, this may constitute a gap in the literature.

Three key components and why

The research strategy is a key component because the researcher should have an idea of what they intend to do. If there is no strategy it hampers the ability to have clarity in what is being sought.

When, where, why, how, with whom does the researcher intend to do their research?

Providing the reason, or justification, for the proposed research is important because it clearly spells out why the research is needed. What is the point of this, what is the researcher adding to the

scholarly community? What is the gap, what is missing? This is important as telling the reader, rather than hoping the reader arrives at the correct conclusion, reduces ambiguity.

As Patterson (2012) points out, there are scores of references. It is important that the researcher can show what the relationship is between the ideas, theories, and evidence presented. Being able to show the relationship demonstrates not only understanding, but the ability to be critical.


Martinez, S. (n.d.). How to write an effective literature review. Retrieved from…

Patterson, J. (2012, February 16). When is a literature review a literature review? [Blog post].Walden University Writing Center. Retrieved from


Walden University Writing Center. (2015b). Basics of literature reviews. Retrieved from…