Atlantic International University General Psychology Discussion Response
Main Question Post
Identify the keywords and databases you used to find your five articles
Honestly, I was all over the place. This week’s resources included a sample log which will be very useful and is needed (Walden University Library, 2015b). I began in the Walden University library and used Thoreau to search EBSCO. My key words were computer literacy, adult, and anxiety.
Explain why you chose these articles and how they relate to your program area
My program area is general psychology, and thus focused on the assigned computer literacy and adult learning. Having a general psychology focus is simultaneously fortunate and unfortunate. It
allows me to branch into many areas. However, it can lead to a bit of chaos in those of us who are tangential. My specific interest is gifted students and anxiety. Therefore, I chose these articles as
they all relate to computer literacy and adult learning, as well as my own interest in anxiety. I also found it useful they are from various geographical locations.
Akhu-Zaheya, L. M., Khater, W., Nasar, M., & Khraisat, O. (2013). Baccalaureate nursing students’ anxiety related computer literacy: a sample from Jordan. Journal of Research in Nursing, 18(1), 36–48. https://doi-
Hashim, R., Ahmad, H., & Abdullah, C. Z. (2010). Assessing the Attitudes of Distance Learners toward the Use of ICT in Education. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 11(2), 125–134.
Hilliard, J., Kear, K., Donelan, H., & Heaney, C. (2020). Students’ experiences of anxiety in an assessed, online, collaborative project. Computers & Education, 143.…
Martocchio, J. J. (1994). Effects of conceptions of ability on anxiety, self-efficacy, and learning in training. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(6), 819–825.…
Olusi, F. I., Asokhia, M. O., & Longe, B. O. (2009). The Impact of Technological Language Anxiety on Adults Learning to Use Computers, in Esan West L.G.A. of Edo State, Nigeria. College Student Journal, 43(4), 1110–1115.
Walden University Library. (2015b). Literature review: Sample search log: Library search log. Retrieved from