Capstone Project Assignment 4: Peer Feedback of Draft Mini Literature Review

Capstone Project Assignment 4: Peer Feedback of Draft Mini Literature Review

Capstone Project Assignment 4: Peer Feedback of Draft Mini Literature Review

In 2016, 41 million children suffered from child obesity. This represents 18% increase in obesity rates in children. Children Obesity is a rising health issue in middle- and low-income population, and not only in rich populations. This health issue is affecting the more vulnerable population due to the limited choices of food available with the low income and their environment.


Children obesity may lead to obesity in adulthood along with many diseases and even premature death and disability. Children obesity is also associated with diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases, and depression.

This health issue is not only due to the fact the caloric intake is more than caloric expenditure by the body, it’s also due to high fat content of food, low physical activity, food processing, socio-economic status, availability of nutritional and health food options, culture, environmental, and many more factors.


World Health Organization. (2018). Obesity and Overweight. Retrieved from



Running head: CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE Chronic Kidney Disease: Problems, Perceptions, and Strategies for Intervention David Brown Walden University HLTH 4900, Section 2, Capstone November 16, 2013 Instructor: Dr. Jody Early 1 CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: PROBLEMS, PERCEPTIONS, AND STRATEGIES FOR INTERVENTION 2 Abstract Chronic kidney disease is considered one of the most significant health issues affecting morbidity and mortality and contributes heavily to the state of global health. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) are chronic illnesses that have a dramatic impact on the cost of health care delivery in the United States. Early detection and intervention are critical to the long-term prognosis of this patient population; however, a health disparity exists because not everyone who is at risk for CKD has access to