ITESM Cross Sectional Case Control and Cohort Studies Analyzing Prevalence Essay
Explain the levels being measured in each type of observational study.
Explain the measures of association for each type of observational study.
Describe the accuracy, time commitment, and disadvantages being measured in each type of observational study.
Why was the cross-sectional study design used?
What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?
What are the ethical concerns of this study?
What are the limitations of this study?
You identified a potential bias, but what does this bias mean?
Why would you compare urban and rural participants? Would this change your study design now that you are comparing two groups?
Justify the selection of variables of a research study.
No statistical method to measure variables was included.
Informed consent is required for all studies on humans so this would not impact bias. Please chose a different means for reducing bias.
More in-text citation is needed
i need those 12 heading to include in the paper