Scholar of Change Video #1 Assignment
Scholar of Change Video #1 Assignment
For this week, you will observe and create field notes for the first Walden Scholar of Change video. You will view three more videos over the next three weeks as well.
Using the Video Field Notes Guide, you will practice (1) record-keeping notes, (2) describing what you viewed, (3) interpreting what you viewed, and (4) reflecting on what the video meant to you. These field notes will inform your Major Assignment 2: The Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data which is due in Week 10.
To prepare for this Assignment:
- Review the Video Field Notes Guide found in the Learning Resources for this week and use this guide to help you create your field notes for your video observation.
- Review the Scholar of Change Video #1 found in the Learning Resources for this week. Note: You will have to view this video several times.
For this Assignment:
- Create a folder called “Video Transcripts” on your computer. Download the transcript of the video found in the My Media Player for the video, save it to this folder, and clearly name it based on the name of the video.
- Observe the Walden Scholar of Change Video #1 and use the Video Field Notes Guide to take field notes.
- Save your notes in your Video Transcripts folder with a name that clearly connects the transcript to your notes for this video.
Scholar of Change – Benjamin Isaac Scholar of Change – Benjamin Isaac Program Transcript BENJAMIN ISAAC: My name is Benjamin Isaac and I’m currently a Walden University student pursuing a doctorate degree in the field of special education. Research shows that students with special learning needs who feel good about themselves perform better academically than those with low self-concept. A Google search for the definition of the word special reveals an adjective that means better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual. But far too often, students deemed special are made to feel like they are inadequate, subpar, and unintelligent. That’s why I am attempting to effect social change with the help of