Walden University H1N 1 Strategic and Contingency Planning Paper

Walden University H1N 1 Strategic and Contingency Planning Paper

Walden University H1N 1 Strategic and Contingency Planning Paper

Contingency planning prepares an organization to respond in the best possible manner to an unexpected crisis or emergency. It is based on strategic planning and management decisions made in advance that will determine how resources, communications, and logistics will be handled when such circumstances might arise. Contingency planning is often a vital part of an organization’s risk management policy, especially when exceptional circumstances, even if unlikely, could bring about catastrophic results.


In this week’s Discussion, imagine you are a leader in your organization, or an organization with which you are familiar, facing a worldwide pandemic as presented in the H1N1 case study. Review your organization’s strategic plans or contingency plans, if available, as well as the Learning Resources for this week.

Post an explanation of the threat and risk to your organization in terms of this H1N1 pandemic. Describe your vulnerabilities and what might be the impacts to your organization and stakeholders if services are disrupted. As a leader, explain how you might use strategic planning and contingency planning processes to prepare for such a crisis in the future.


  • Brattberg, E. (2012). Coordinating for contingencies: Taking stock of post-9/11 homeland security reforms. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 20(2), 77–89.Retrieved from the Walden University Library databases.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2008). CDC unified process practices guide: Contingency planning. Retrieved from http://www2.cdc.gov/cdcup/library/practices_guides/CDC_UP_Contingency_Planning_Practices_Guide.pdf
  • Eriksson, K., & McConnell, A. (2011). Contingency planning for crisis management: Recipe for success or political fantasy? Policy and Society, 30(2), 89-99.Retrieved from the Walden University Library databases.
  • McConnell, A., & Drennan, L. (2006). Mission impossible? Planning and preparing for crisis. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 14(2), 59–70.Retrieved from the Walden University Library databases.
  • Ötker-Robe, I. (2014). Global risks and collective action failures: What can the international community do? (IMF Working Paper No. 14/195). Retrieved from http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2014/wp14195.pdf

Optional Resources

State pandemic flu plans are available at:

More resources on pandemic planning: