Ashford Week 7 Blueprint for Personal and Professional Growth Reflection

Ashford Week 7 Blueprint for Personal and Professional Growth Reflection

Ashford Week 7 Blueprint for Personal and Professional Growth Reflection

Week 7 Assignment: Individual Reflection: Creating Goals for the Blueprint for Professional & Personal Growth


  • By Day 7, submit your Assignment: Individual Reflection: Creating Goals for the Blueprint for Professional & Personal Growth. Note – review the requirements of the assignment. This is a large assignment, you are encouraged to review this early this week, so you can begin to prepare.


As you recall from the Course Outcomes listed in your syllabus, this course requires you to develop strategies for becoming a more effective leader, creating preliminary plans for professional and personal growth, and integrating your personal values, ethics, experience, and goals into leadership decisions. The Blueprint for Professional & Personal Growth (BPPG) is designed to assist you in meeting those outcomes and has three components you need to complete:

  • An Executive Summary of the course and
  • Your Passion and Purpose Story
  • A goal statement and action plans to achieve your Passion and Purpose



Week 7 Assignment: Individual Reflection: Creating Goals for the Blueprint for Professional & Personal Growth MUST READ ALL INFOR! • By Day 7, submit your Assignment: Individual Reflection: Creating Goals for the Blueprint for Professional & Personal Growth. Note – review the requirements of the assignment. This is a large assignment, you are encouraged to review this early this week, so you can begin to prepare. As you recall from the Course Outcomes listed in your syllabus, this course requires you to develop strategies for becoming a more effective leader, creating preliminary plans for professional and personal growth, and integrating your personal values, ethics, experience, and goals into leadership decisions. The Blueprint for Professional & Personal Growth (BPPG) is designed to assist you in meeting those outcomes and has three