Strayer Week 5 Findings of The Sample Research Study Discussion Paper
Discussion: Findings
Last week, you summarized the “How” of the research study (the methods). Now you engage with the real heart of the study: the findings. The findings answer the “What” question (What resulted from the study? What information was gathered?). If you are a fan of mystery novels or TV programs, you might think of the Findings section as the moment when the whodunit is solved. The Findings section reveals truth in much the same way by sharing potentially groundbreaking data.
For this Discussion, you summarize the findings of the sample research study in a scholarly voice.
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Review the materials on citation frequency and scholarly voice.
- Access the research article from the Learning Resources.
Post your initial 1- to 2-paragraph response that addresses the following:
- What were the findings from the study? Summarize those findings in your own words and with a scholarly voice. Include a citation.
- Additionally, reflect on the process of summarizing the findings using a scholarly voice. Pose any questions and/or explain challenges that came up during the process.
Learning Resources
Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.REQUIRED READINGS
Document: Article Summary Worksheet (Word document) Note: This document is a helpful guide for reading and summarizing a research article. Complete the Week 5 section to prepare for Discussion.
Coffman, K., Putman, P., Adkisson, A., Kriner, B., & Monaghan, C. (2016). Waiting for the expert to arrive: Using a community of practice to develop the scholarly identity of doctoral students. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 28(1), 30-37. Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. For this week’s Discussion, read pages 34-37 of the article.
CAEX 6055 Course Readings. Retrieved from
CAEX 6056 Course Readings. Retrieved from
Walden University Writing Center. (2018). Using evidence: Citation frequency in summaries. Retrieved from…
Walden University Writing Center. (2018). Scholarly voice: Overview. Retrieved from…