Walden University William Thompson Report

Walden University William Thompson Report

Walden University William Thompson Report

William Thompson, age 38, is an African American, recently married, veteran of the Iraq war. He is currently an unemployed attorney.

He and his wife, 27-year-old Luli Kim (Korean/American), had to move in with William’s 56-yearold step-brother Henry (African American) and his 54-year-old sister-in-law, Rosita (Columbian/Mexican) who live in Pasadena, CA. William and Luli made the move to California because they became homeless when William failed to make the mortgage payments after being downsized from his law firm upon his return from Iraq. Despite repeated attempts to re-finance his home to make the payments more manageable, William was unable to obtain any help. William and Luli’s previous house was in Hackensack, NJ. Henry and Rosita live in Pasadena, CA.


The abusive drinking that started for him in Iraq as a method of coping with his overwhelming feelings related to the traumatic stress of war has spiraled out of control, and he is now drinking daily. He is experiencing frequent flashbacks to life-and-death experiences from the war, is trying to avoid all conversations and situations that remind him of war, has trouble both falling and staying asleep, is angry much of the time, and underneath it all is profoundly sad.

There is no history of domestic abuse between William and Luli, nor has William ever been abusive to a woman. While William loves his wife, he knows that Luli cannot understand the horrors of war that he experienced and that continue to haunt him. He wants to protect her from these horrific events and therefore only communicates on a superficial level with her. Consequently, they are becoming increasingly estranged. Luli loves William and wants the best for him, but is relentless in her pursuit of getting him to “open up” to her, which only further distances him from her.

William received his J.D. from the Bronx School of Law and Finance and specialized in finance law before recently losing his job at a New York City law firm. He received his undergraduate education at West Point. He reported that his grades were generally above average. William served as an Army Captain for 6 years of active duty in Iraq.

His interests have included marathon running, soccer, listening to jazz music, and being a novice modern art collector. William has been an active member of the Catholic church for much of his life, although his participation in church activities has waned since he returned from the war.William has been active, strong, and healthy for most of his life. He reported being unable to get sufficient sleep since returning from the war and stated he often feels drained, fatigued, and unenthusiastic about his past interests. He reported that he has been drinking alcohol, usually 5– 12 drinks a day, to avoid the horrid war memories and flashbacks. He reported that he feels he lost a vital part of himself during the war and that he longs to recapture the ability to believe in goodness in people and the world. He does continue to run each morning, although he reported he is in no shape for a marathon at this time. He reported that his morning run is his most peaceful time of the day. He has no known medical issues and takes no prescription medication. He reported he has never been to a counselor or psychiatrist in his past, and he reported that prior to the war, he was happy, stable, and enthusiastic about his life.



William Thompson, age 38, is an African American, recently married, veteran of the Iraq war. He is currently an unemployed attorney. He and his wife, 27-year-old Luli Kim (Korean/American), had to move in with William’s 56-yearold stepbrother Henry (African American) and his 54-year-old sister-in-law, Rosita (Columbian/Mexican) who live in Pasadena, CA. William and Luli made the move to California because they became homeless when William failed to make the mortgage payments after being downsized from his law firm upon his return from Iraq. Despite repeated attempts to re-finance his home to make the payments more manageable, William was unable to obtain any help. William and Luli’s previous house was in Hackensack, NJ. Henry and Rosita live in Pasadena, CA. The abusive drinking that started for him in Iraq as a method of coping with his