Mood Disorders and the Client & Medical Conditions and the Psychological Diagnosis
For this Discussion, you apply your knowledge of the DSM to the client case study uploaded below. Think about your rationale for this diagnosis. Also, consider client risk factors for suicide.
Post a diagnosis of the client in the case study. Then explain your rationale for assigning on the basis of the DSM. Finally, explain whether this person is at risk for suicide and how you might specifically assess them for suicide. Justify your response with client data and the current literature.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and current literature.
For this Discussion, consider the differences between medical conditions and psychological disorders. Also, within your personal scope of competency, think about ways to minimize misdiagnosis of clients. Consider best practices for diagnosis and treatment within your scope of competency.
Post an example of how medical conditions might mimic psychological disorders. Then explain two ways you might minimize instances of misdiagnosing a medical condition as a psychological disorder. Finally, explain actions you might take within your scope of personal competency if you suspect a medical condition and why.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and current literature.
Below I uploaded the readings to help with this.