Presentation of Analysis and Synthesis of Research

Presentation of Analysis and Synthesis of Research

Presentation of Analysis and Synthesis of Research

As the Presenter for this 2-week unit, based on your own prior knowledge and current research, you will present a 7- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation on strategic partnerships and alliances. Your goal will be to persuade your colleagues that there are/are not limitations to the use of certain approaches in attaining strategic capabilities based on organizational size.


You should strive to be as persuasive as possible that the specific concepts you have reviewed are exciting research avenues, and that they are potentially breakthrough areas in the understanding of how to be a savvy strategic HR partner, from using a gap analysis to contrast internal and external talent, knowledge, and services, to defining the leadership role of the HR professional within the strategic framework of the sustainable organization.

Your presentation should contain the following elements:

·Incorporation and analysis of the Required Resources from this 2-week unit

·Incorporation and analysis of at least three additional resources from the Walden Library

·Identification of principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding your topic

·Evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to management practice and their impact on positive social change

·Incorporation of the Learning Objectives from this 2-week unit



Assignment 1: Presentation of Analysis and Synthesis of Research If you have been assigned to be a Presenter this week, please review and complete the following assignment by Day 7 of Week 2. If you have been assigned the role of Participant this week, you should proceed to Discussion 1 on the course navigation menu. At professional conferences, blocks of time may be set aside for what are termed “poster sessions.” A hotel ballroom or large open area will be ringed with individuals who use displays such as posters or electronic presentations displayed via projectors. These sessions provide an opportunity to share one’s research, in an intimate setting, with a small group gathered around who share a similar interest. The seminar format of this course is very similar to this academic exchange. During one 2-week unit of study,