DDHA 8800 WU Decision Making Under Uncertainty Biotechnical Engineering Case Study

DDHA 8800 WU Decision Making Under Uncertainty Biotechnical Engineering Case Study

DDHA 8800 WU Decision Making Under Uncertainty Biotechnical Engineering Case Study

As you have examined this week, healthcare administration leaders are expected to exercise decision making under conditions of uncertainty. Perhaps more so than any other business, healthcare administration leaders face multiple challenges since ineffective business practices might not result in poor performance with their bottom lines and, if not, it might negatively impact patient safety. Understanding how to appropriately exercise decision making under conditions of uncertainty is a useful skill for effective healthcare administration practice.


For this Assignment, review the resources for this week, and reflect on how healthcare administration leaders must exercise decision making under conditions of uncertainty. Consider how you might engage in decision making under uncertainty, as you complete the Assignment and the Case Study 6.4 on pages 275-276 of your course text.

The Assignment: (3–5 pages)

  • Complete Case Study 6.4 (Developing a Helicopter Component for the Army) on pages 275-276 of your course text.



P2 – 0.8, and P – 0.1 6.4 DEVELOPING A HELICOPTER COMPONENT FOR THE ARMY CASE either step is unsuccessful (which will be known by in six months for step and in a year for step 2). Ventron will have no alternative but to switch to the sectioning process and incur the sectioning cost on The Ventron Engineering Company has just been by the U.S. Army Aviation Systems Command to develop a blade spar for its Heavy Lift Helicopter program. The blade spar is a metal tube that runs the length of and provides strength to the helicop- ter blade. Due to the unusual length and size of the Heavy Lift Helicopter blade, Ventron is unable to produce a single-piece blade spar of the required dimensions using existing extrusion equipment and material. The engineering department has prepared two alternatives for developing the blade spar: (1) sectioning or (2) an