The Prison Walls by Yuval Harari Responsive Journal Entry

The Prison Walls by Yuval Harari Responsive Journal Entry

The Prison Walls by Yuval Harari Responsive Journal Entry


Throughout this course, you will reflect on your beliefs about the concepts you are learning through a number of journal entries. Journal entries are shared with your instructor only.

For your first entry, you have a choice to write a journal entry in response to the work of Yuval Harari OR to respond to the written work of one of the philosophers you have reviewed.


Option 1:

Write a journal entry in reaction to ‘The Prison Walls’ by Yuval Harari. What ‘imagined realities’ do you see at work in your life? Is this a disturbing or liberating idea for you? How might you live differently as a result of this understanding? Give specific details in response to each question.


Option 2:

Explore the primary source readings under the tab: ‘What is the Good Life?’ Included are writings from:

  • Epicurus (Principal Doctrines, Letter to Menoeceus)
  • Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics)
  • Marcus Aurelius (The Meditations)
  • Thomas a Kempis (The Imitation of Christ)
  • Henry David Thoreau (Walden)

Write a journal entry in reaction to 5 pages from any one of the above works. Identify the pages you read. What ideas attract you? What ideas do not? Is the advice you are reading good guidance for your life? Is it a philosophy you would recommend for everyone in the modern world?



Week 3 Journal: Imagined Realities / Primary Source Reflection Philosophies on Life This set of videos will introduce you to the ideas of Aristotle, Epicurus, the Stoics, Thoreau, Nietzsche, and Sartre. Are you drawn to a particular philosophy? Consider whether any of these philosophies on life connect to yours and if they are good guides on how to live. • PHILOSOPHY – Aristotle (7:30) • PHILOSOPHY – Epicurus (5:24) • PHILOSOPHY – The Stoics (4:53) • Thoreau & Walden Pond (4:12) • PHILOSOPHY – Neitzsche (6:56) • PHILOSOPHY – Sartre (6:37) Videos: Ernest Becker and the Fear of Death (8:49) This video reviews cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker’s views on how