Walden University Starbucks Diagram Discussion

Walden University Starbucks Diagram Discussion

Walden University Starbucks Diagram Discussion
  1. Peer Review two colleagues that have yet to receive feedback from at least two students. In your response, include whether you think the diagram effectively documents the case. Provide an example to support your position.


~Provides constructive, substantial, and meaningful input that is specific and directly related to the work-product of the colleague as it pertains to the assignment and weekly outcomes that will further assist your peer in developing his or her treatise

~Provides comments on organization, grammar, and proper APA formatting

~Remains professional in tone at all times.

General Guidance on Peer Feedback Length: Feedback to a peer will typically be 2-3 paragraphs and may also include revisions to the diagram itself.



2. Respond to two or more of your colleagues in one or more of the following ways:


~Compare your conclusions about the root causes and potential solutions in the case study to those offered by your colleague.

~Provide a different or expanded perspective by offering an insight that you gained by reading your colleague’s conclusions.

~Ask a question that will help your colleague think about his or her conclusions more deeply or broadly. Make sure you provide context and/or references based from the class readings, your own investigation, or your experience.

~Provide an example that further illuminates the conclusions or demonstrates how such thinking is employed elsewhere.

~Offer other lessons you learned from the case and suggest ways your colleague could implement those at his or her organization.

General Guidance on Feedback Length: Feedback to a colleague will typically be 2 paragraphs



Baria Planning Solutions, Inc: Fixing the Sales Process In 2010, Baria Planning Solutions (BPS) unsuccessfully met its sales target. Its organizational structure and solution model are some of the predominant factors that affected the company’s sales target. The fact that BPS did not have a significant number of employees enhanced unproductivity in its solution model. In this case, the few employees could not handle the overwhelming workload. Consequently, the BPS sales support team could not meet the expectations of their audience. Also, the fact that it lacked an adequate workforce affected its ability to implement the model that oversaw thrive in business. Affinity Credit Union had similar issues. Campbell, Lu (2012) insist that it had banking practice concerns that were closely tied to unethical practices.