FSGN 1101 MSVU Mod 2 Gerontology Social Issues Research
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate your skills by writing a well-focused review of the current academic research literature that emphasizes the importance of the social issues identified. You will also analyze the impact of these issues on the older adult and/or their family using the Critical Ecological Model. You will be citing the academic reference sources you have included (a minimum of 8 for the final paper).
The paper must include the following elements: (1) introduction, which should present your chosen social issues and provide a purpose statement for the paper, (2) a summary of current research for each of the selected social issues, (3) an analysis of each of your selected social issue’s impact on older adults and/or their families using the Critical Ecological Model and (4) conclusion.
Paper format must follow APA style, including double line spacing, 1” margins, page numbers and Times New Roman 12pt font.