PSY 610 Ashford University Social Psychology and Role of Behavior Paper
PSY 610 Ashford University Social Psychology and Role of Behavior Paper
Your final paper should encompass the following:
- Assess social behavior, including factors that influence social behavior as well as the role behavior plays in producing and perpetuating social issues and problems.
- Describe a resulting social problem in the context of social psychological theory and research.
- Interpret relevant theoretical perspectives derived from social psychology.
- Distinguish scientific methods for studying this specific social problem.
- Develop an original intervention strategy based on social psychological theory, research, and your evaluation of this specific social problem.
- Suggest, propose, or assess career paths to which this insight may be applicable.
The Final Paper
- Must be at least 10-15 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center’s Introduction to APA.
- Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Running head
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
- See the Introductions and Conclusions resource for additional guidance.
- See the Thesis Statements resource for additional guidance.
- Must utilize academic voice.
- See the Academic Voice resource for additional guidance.
- Must address the topic with critical thought.
- Must end with a conclusion that affirms the thesis.
- See the Introductions and Conclusions resource for additional guidance.
- Must use at least 10 peer-reviewed scholarly sources. Additional scholarly sources are encouraged.
- See the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table for additional guidance.
- Must utilize in-text citations appropriately.
- See the Integrating Research resource for additional guidance.
- See the Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing resource for additional guidance.
- See the Citing Within Your Paper guide for additional guidance.
- Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style.
- See Formatting your References List for additional guidance.
CAREER AREA (potentially relevant concepts)
- Problems you might choose to address in your paper/project
This is NOT a comprehensive list! It’s a working document that is intended simply to give you an idea of the wide range of acceptable topics.
BUSINESS (persuasion, impression management, group behaviors, emotion/motivation, I/O psych, environmental psych…)
- Generate a comprehensive marketing strategy
- Coach individuals to prepare for interviews
- Interpret nonverbal communication or emotional cues
- Improve group/team relations
- Enhance employee morale
- Design a functional, efficient workplace environment
- Consider cultural factors that may impede business relations
EDUCATION (social ostracism, leadership, attraction, aggression, attitudes—stereotyping/prejudice/discrimination…)
- Reduce bullying
- Improve self-image/esteem
- Create a collaborative environment in a diverse classroom or dormitory
- Prevent substance use/abuse
- Consider the pros/cons of social media/networking
HEALTHCARE (social influence, health psych…)
- Develop a plan to convince client to drop a bad habit/start a good one
- Consider cultural factors involved in health and wellness
- Appraise alternative interpretations/approaches to illness
- Create a stress reduction or coping program
- Design a hospital/assisted living facility/nursing home to promote well-being
MILITARY/POLICE/GOV’T (social influence, groupthink, deindividuation, leadership, military psych, forensic psych…)
- Foster social change
- Mitigate implicit bias
- Support veterans and their families
- Design an effective political campaign
- Provide advice for prosecutor/defense/jury in a criminal trial court case
- Prevent poor decision making or gridlock in politics
- Enhance compliance/obedience in a specific setting (jail, juvenile home, etc.)
- Reduce violence
MISCELLANEOUS (sports psych, community psych…)
- Lead a recycling campaign
- Convince people to become organ donors or give blood, etc.
- Help an athlete enhance performance