SP005 Walden University Process Tools and Frameworks Assessment

SP005 Walden University Process Tools and Frameworks Assessment

SP005 Walden University Process Tools and Frameworks Assessment

This Assessment requires submission of one file. Save your file as SP005_ firstinitial_lastname (for example, SP005_ J_Smith). When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.

Conform to APA style guidelines. You may use Walden Writing Center’s APA Course Paper Template.


Access the following to complete this Assessment:

This assessment has two-parts. Click each of the items below to complete this assessment.


  1. Read the three documents included with this Assessment as follows:
    • Read the entire The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement text and make detailed notes.
    • Read the “Applying Process Tools & Frameworks to Improve Organizational Performance: A TOC Primer” document, as you read through The Goal text, to help you focus on fundamental concepts.
    • Read the “Three-Questions Accounting” document after reading The Goal text.
  2. After reading and note taking, complete the following:
    1. Choose an organization with which you are very familiar with. It could be where you work now or have worked in the past. Provide some basic details about the organization. At minimum, the basic details should include: the industry and products/services the organization offers, the overall operational and financial health of the organization, and a qualitative or systems diagram summary of how the organization operates to fulfill its commitments to customers. (approximately 200 words)
      Note: If you have chosen a private organization you must disguise the names of the organization and the people associated with it.
    2. Choose a minimum of six specific passages from the book The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement that contain an essential idea or concept that you found compelling and that offer insights related to systemic problems in your organization. Provide these passages making sure to quote and use citations for each. Construct a well-reasoned argument for why you chose each passage and how each selected passage relates to your organization in terms of helping you diagnose organization-wide performance issues. Be specific and be sure to support your response with appropriate concepts from performance management and/or systems thinking. (approximately 400 words)
  3. Respond to the following questions. Remember to make specific reference to concepts from the documents and other relevant resources to support your reasoning.
    1. In your own organization what do you believe are the fundamental physical, policy, or market constraints that are preventing your organization from moving to the next level of performance? Be sure to clearly identify each primary constraint and provide a detailed argument and evidence for why you think each is a primary constraint to organizational performance. Be sure to support your response with appropriate concepts from performance management and/or systems thinking. (minimum of 400 words).
    2. What do you believe are the root causes of these primary constraints? Why? Be sure to support your response with appropriate concepts from performance management and/or systems thinking. (approximately 200–300 words)


  1. Review your responses to Part 1.
  2. Refer to all the three documents included with this Assessment, and to other relevant organizational-improvement knowledge as needed and complete the following.
    1. For each of the minimum of six specific passages from the book The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvementthat you chose in Part 1, provide an argument for how the passage helps you in developing potential solutions to organization-wide performance issues? What are potential solutions relative to the concepts you identified? Be specific. (approximately 400 words).
    2. Respond to the following prompts. Remember to make specific reference to concepts from the document resources and other relevant resources to support your reasoning.
      1. For each of the fundamental physical, policy, or market constraints that you identified as preventing your organization from moving to the next level of performance, provide a specific recommendation for how to elevate, support, and potentially eliminate the constraint. (approximately 400 words).
      2. Provide an overall argument as to how and why your recommendations address the root causes of the organization-wide performance issues you identified. (approximately 300 words).
      3. Using concepts from the Corbett document, “Three-Questions Accounting,” and associated resources related to metrics and TOC accounting measurements for each of your recommendations, show how the primary metrics of T, I, and OE would be affected and why the recommendations would make sense from a performance measurement perspective.



SP005: Constraint Management and System Optimization: Evaluate the systemic causes of problems in, and develop solutions for, improving organizational performance, using concepts from the Theory of Constraints. Assessment Rubric 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Part I: Diagnosing Organization-Wide Performance Issues Sub-Competency 1: Diagnose systemic problems in organizational performance using appropriate concepts from a Theory of Constraints perspective. Learning Objective 1.1: Describe a business context that can benefit from performance and constraint analysis. Description of a business context that can benefit from performance and constraint analysis is missing. Learning Objective 1.2: Synthesize TOC-based management concepts Synthesis of TOC-based management concepts wi