Walden University Employment Law Questions

Walden University Employment Law Questions

Walden University Employment Law Questions

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A company sells health insurance policies. The company has a large, independent contractor sales force. Some of its sales agents, usually after a significant period of service, are promoted to the position of sales leader. Sales leaders agree to remain as independent contractors when they are promoted. Sales leaders do little selling of policies; instead, their main responsibilities are recruiting, training, and managing sales agents. The income of sales leaders is mainly derived from overwrite commissions on their subordinates’ sales. The company retains control over the hiring, firing, assignment, and promotion of sales agents. The company determines sales leaders’ territories and does not permit them to sell other insurance products or operate other businesses. Sales leads are distributed by the company, and sales leaders are prohibited from purchasing leads from outside sources. Sales leaders set their own hours and conduct their day-to-day activities largely free from supervision. Attendance at company meetings and training sessions is generally considered optional for sales leaders. Sales leaders receive no benefits, and the company does not withhold any of their pay for tax purposes.Several sales leaders sued for overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

  • Are the sales leader’s employees or independent contractors? Why?
  • What aspects of the Fair Labor Standards Act are in question by this case study?
  • Would this effect the Sales Leaders lawsuit? Why? Why not?



C A L V E R T , T E R R E N C E 1 8 5 9 T S Employment Law for Human Resource Practice FIFTH EDITION D AV I D J . W A L S H Miami University C A L V E R T , T E R R E N C E 1 8 5 9 T S Australia • Brazil • Mexico • Singapore • United Kingdom • United States 9781305850309, Employment Law for Human Resource Practice, Fifth Edition, Walsh – © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. chapter 1 Overview of Employment Law C The purpose of this first chapter is to present a big picture of the body of law that A we will apply to particular human resource practices throughout this book. This L overview of employment laws, the rights they confer on emchapter contains an V ployees, and the processes involved in enforcing these laws. Special attention is given to the use of E alternatives to