CU Power of Information Management and Nursing Informatics Essay
In one of the reading assignments this week you reviewed Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) roles and the application of project management concepts, one of the major elements of NI, but new to most nurses. What type of application does this have for your practice?
As leaders in healthcare, master’s-prepared nurses need to
- recognize the power of information and knowledge;
- ensure the integrity of data collected through providing education and oversight of colleagues and subordinates;
- create a culture that values data integrity;
- work with administrators to provide the infrastructure needed to maximize both primary and secondary data collected from EHRs, patient-care technologies, and other healthcare systems;
- articulate what data and information is needed to support nursing and patient care;
- learn more about the use of analytics and business-intelligence tools;
- think outside of the box for new, potentially useful data streams; and
- participate in the design and use of dashboards for better decision making.
Armed with appropriate knowledge and skills, the master’s-prepared nurse will play an active role in transforming healthcare delivery.
HOW THE APN AND DNP ROLES WOULD USE PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS National nursing organizations’ leadership is beginning to define skills needed in many nursing roles; some examples of APN roles and application of skills that will be needed can be found here. One such example is from the American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE). The organization’s last review of NE competencies occurred in 2005; AONE supports that “management’s role is pivotal in organizational transformation using EHRs and other HITs” (AONE, 2008, p. 804). The AONE’s Nursing Executive Competencies lists skills in communication and business skills, all of which overlap with leadership competencies. Another national organization, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS, 2013), states that “Nursing leaders must have computer and informatics knowledge and skills to work with other disciplines.
APN AND DNP ROLES— WHERE CONCEPTS APPLY There are eight examples and case studies of different roles an APN will need to utilize project management concepts and tools in his or her practice. The roles include the nurse administrator as an NE or nurse manager, a nurse practitioner (NP), a clinical nursing specialist (CNS), an informatics nurse specialist (INS), a chief nursing informatics officer (CNIO), a chief nursing officer (CNO), and a doctor of nursing practice (DNP) student in the final practicum before graduation.
Sipes, Carolyn. Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse, Springer Publishing Company, 2015. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from chamberlain-ebooks on 2021-05-28 17:11:17.
Sipes, Carolyn. Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse, Springer Publishing Company, 2015. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from chamberlain-ebooks on 2021-05-28 17:10:00.