Educating Health Care Givers on Proper Techniques to Reduce Hospital Wound Infections

Educating Health Care Givers on Proper Techniques to Reduce Hospital Wound Infections

Educating Health Care Givers on Proper Techniques to Reduce Hospital Wound Infections

Initial DNP Project Ideas

For this assignment, you will present your initial ideas for your DNP project. Remember, your project needs to explore a critical clinical problem and a possible resolution of the practice problem through application of scholarly inquiry.

Discuss your initial DNP project ideas by including the rationale for the identified clinical problem and its relevance to nursing practice.


Write your initial response in 300–500 words.

Choices for the subject of your DNP capstone project can be easy or for some daunting. The first thing you should do in choosing your topic is narrow down your options by evaluating your experience and areas of personal interest. What types of populations do you like to work with? Where is your passion? This will be important for the reason being you will be working with this topic “up close and personal”……and then in more depth you ever thought possible. In what settings have you worked? If you love community settings, or acute care populations then choose a related topic. Make a list of your populations, practice areas, and medical issues of interest. This is where you realize you are about to learn ” a lot” about a very small aspect of your topic.

Peruse your text chapter 5 “Phenomenon of Interest” (pp. 89-99 for a start). This is week 3 reading, but it will assist your effort for narrowing your topic to a “do-able” possibility.

Comprehensive Systematic Review for Advanced Practice Nursing
Author: Cheryl Holly (Editor); Susan Salmond (Editor); Maria Saimbert (Editor)
Edition: 2
Copyright Date: 2016-01-01
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated
ISBN: 9780826131850
Comprehensive Systematic Review for Advanced Practice Nursing
Author: Cheryl Holly (Editor); Susan Salmond (Editor); Maria Saimbert (Editor)
Edition: 2
Copyright Date: 2016-01-01
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated
ISBN: 9780826131850
Measurement in Nursing and Health Research
Author: Carolyn Waltz (Editor); Ora Lea Strickland (Editor); Elizabeth Lenz (Editor)
Edition: 5
Copyright Date: 2017-01-01
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated
ISBN: 9780826170613
Comprehensive Systematic Review for Advanced Practice Nursing
Author: Cheryl Holly (Editor); Susan Salmond (Editor); Maria Saimbert (Editor)
Edition: 2
Copyright Date: 2016-01-01
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated
ISBN: 9780826131850