Nurse Educator – DNP versus PhD

Nurse Educator – DNP versus PhD

Nurse Educator – DNP versus PhD
  • Nurse Educator: Your group has been assigned to explore the competencies of a nurse educator. Your group will debate the preparation of DNPs versus PhD as nurse educators, stating the pros and cons of each preparation and include what agencies regulate nurse education. You will develop a comparison and contrast table and a narrative to explain.


This is a group project.

For the above assignment, use the following guide:

  • Describe the current policy/status, which organization regulates and determine if it needs to change; if opposed to change, state why.
  • Provide the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest; identify the groups who are opposed
  • Explain how AP roles (which ones) could lead the effort to make or influence the change in policy or keep the policy the same and the impact in healthcare quality.
  • Demonstrate group cohesiveness


Student did not submit assignment

Many slides missing or less slides OR slides do not contain relevant information.
Topic is addressed but not discussed or elaborated on.

Missing some slides or relevant information.
Topic is slightly discussed but more material is needed.

All required slides with relevant information. Topic is discussed clearly and in an organized manner.

All required slides included with correct information.
Topic is discussed clearly and in an organized manner.

Student did not submit assignment

The slides are not legible. The amount of text is too great for the space provided. There is little use of graphics or effects. The information does not consistently support images.

Slides are legible. Amount of text is too great for the amount of space provided. Less than half the slides have graphics or effects. Information supports images at times.

Slides are attractive. Text is legible. More than half of the slides use graphics and effects to enhance presentation. Information adequately supports images.

Slides are attractive. Text is legible. Graphics and effects are used throughout to enhance presentation. Information is at the advanced level and consistently supports images.

Student did not submit assignment

Not all group members contribute to the presentation and the distribution of material for each presenter is not equal.

Not all group members contribute to the presentation, responses or the distribution is not equal.

All group members contribute to the presentation or responses equally.

Presentation goes above and beyond basic requirements.
All group members contribute to the presentation equally.

Student did not submit assignment

There are many grammar or mechanical errors on the presentation.

There are two or more errors in capitalization or punctuation Or there are two or more grammatical errors on the presentation.

There is one error in capitalization or punctuation OR there is one grammatical error on the presentation.

Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the presentation. There are no grammatical errors.

Student did not submit assignment

Little evidence of research. Used less than 2 references. Not Properly cited using APA.

Sparse research, little evidence presented. Opinion rather than objectivity. Facts not verifiable. APA errors.

Topic researched objectively. Used a minimum of 5 references. Used some EBand PR references. Verifiable facts. APA minimal errors.

References Used a variety of evidence based (EB) and peer reviewed (PR) references,> 5, properly cited using APA, objectivity or verifiability.

Overall Score