Implementation of a Nurse Peer Review Board

Implementation of a Nurse Peer Review Board

Implementation of a Nurse Peer Review Board

The topic of the project is implementing a nurse peer review board. This would take place in a hospital setting were the are in the process of applying for Pathway to Excellence status, were nurse involvement is crucial. This paper just has to follow the format below and just address how this process can occur up to the point of actual implementation. The implementation process does not have to be done, just outlined how it can be done. This would include focusing in on the recommendations for the healthcare facility to complete implementation at a later date. This is the 4- to 6-page scholarly paper, referred to as your Practicum Project Plan (PPP), in which you will formulate findings, conclusions, and recommendations in relation to the problem or issue you are examining.


Your paper will include the following:

Title: The title should include the name of your project and should follow the UniformGuidelines format.

Introduction: The introduction includes the purpose of the paper, the goal of the project, and the name of the project. It also outlines the structure of the paper.

Goal statement: A goal statement identifies what you expect to accomplish, the focus area, and the population. It introduces the project and conveys, in broad terms, how you plan to solve a particular problem or issue.

Project objectives: Project objectives delineate your strategy for reaching the goal and the steps you will follow to complete the project. You must include two or three measurable objectives that use Application-level or higher verbs from Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Evidence-based review of the literature for project justification: This review provides evidence-based support for your identified problem, project methods, and evaluation (presented in Week 4). The literature should be directed toward justifying the project, not focus on potential solutions. You must include a review of your specialization’s professional-practice standards and guidelines related to your project and a minimum of five (5) scholarly references for this section of the paper.

Methodology: This section addresses in detail how you will accomplish the project objectives. Include, as relevant, the who, when, where, and how of each objective.

Resources: Identify and justify the human, physical, and/or technical resources you will need to complete this project. Note that for this assignment, you do not have to address the financial aspects of your plan.

Formative evaluation: Describe how and when you will conduct formative evaluation of your project. Explain how you will use the evaluation results and how you will determine if the project is proceeding as planned.

Summative evaluation: Describe how and when you will conduct summative evaluation of your project. Explain how you will use the evaluation results.

Timeline: Create a graphic timeline representing significant stages of your project. Provide a narrative to help your Instructor understand the timeline. Include the timeline in an Appendix to your Practicum Project Plan.

Articles to use

The power of peer review: A pathway to professionalism

Goble, Patricia H. DNP, RN, NEA-BC; Langford, David PhD, RN; Vincent, Sharon DNP, RN; Powers, Kelly PhD, RN

Nursing Management (Springhouse): February 2017 – Volume 48 – Issue 2 – p 9–12




References to use The power of peer review: A pathway to professionalism Goble, Patricia H. DNP, RN, NEA-BC; Langford, David PhD, RN; Vincent, Sharon DNP, RN; Powers, Kelly PhD, RN Nursing Management (Springhouse): February 2017 – Volume 48 – Issue 2 – p 9–12 Garner, J. K. (2015). Implementation of a Nursing Peer-Review Program in the Hospital Setting. Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS, 29(5), 271-275. Drobny, S. D., Snell, A., Morris, L., Harshbarger, C., Village, P., & Fischer, S. A. (2018). Collaborative Rural Nurse Peer Review: A Quality Improvement Project. Journal Of Nursing Care Quality. Jessica, M., Christina, L., Judith A., B., & Jan, P. (2018). Comprehensive nursing peer review: Our voice, our practice, our growth. Nursing Management (Springhouse), (8), 49. Whitney, K., Chisholm, M., Haag-Heitman, B., & Gale, S. (n.d). Nursing Peer