DNP 805 Chamberlain Standardized Depression Screening in Primary Care
DNP 805 Chamberlain Standardized Depression Screening in Primary Care
Please follow instructions below:
As a DNP student you will be required to complete a scholarly project.
A. Identify a problem or a topic of interest in nursing that you would like to propose for the DNP scholarly project. The following are the (three) topics that need to be developed.
First topic:
Initiation of Standardized Depression Screening in Primary Care: A Quality Improvement Project-please write a summary of what the project will be and where. Include in text citations a references. Location where it will be implemented. I have attached a sample of an entire project. This should be 250 words a summary.
Improving Utilization of PHQ Tools for Screening Depression in a Primary Care Practice-please write a summary of what the project will be and where. Include in text citations a references. Location where it will be implemented. I have attached a sample of an entire project. This should be 250 words.
Adolescent Depression Screening: A Care Guideline Approach in Primary Care-please write a summary of what the project will be and where. Include in text citations a references. Location where it will be implemented. I have attached a sample of an entire project. This should be 250 words.
This essay will be evaluated based on the applicant’s ability to follow the essay instructions, using a logical/organized thought process, while demonstrating command of the English language and compliance with APA formatting and style guidelines. Ideas should be clear. Applicants are highly encouraged to provide current evidence support ideas.
Please make sure that paper meets these guidelines, its written in clear, concise language and it has references.