DNP 955 Grand Canyon University Theoretical Framework Paper
This week’s post will focus on Chapter Two. Address the areas below in your discussion post this week. Spelling and grammar will be reviewed and graded. Note: When you write the chapters, adhere to the Proposal Paper requirements.
Introduce Chapter Two: States the overall purpose of the project; lets reader knows what the literature review will address; describes how the chapter will be organized (including the specific sections and subsections); describes how the literature was surveyed, so the reader can evaluate the thoroughness of the review, provides a historical overview of the problem based on the gap or need defined in the literature and how it originated (this section must contain empirical citations; presents strong evidence for the intervention; and discusses how the problem has evolved historically into its current form.
Theoretical Framework: This section identifies the theories or models that provide the foundation for the project. This section should present the theories or models(s) and explain how the problem under investigation relates to the theory or model. The theories or models(s) guide the clinical questions and justify what is being measured (variables) as well as how those variables are related. Literature Review outlines your themes and subthemes and includes references.
Characteristics of Food Pantry Clients are Changing (Theme 3rd level heading): Add all citations for this section listed:
Food Security. (Subtheme 4th level heading): Add all citations for this listed here.
Food pantry clients. (Subtheme 4th level heading): Add all citations for this listed here.
Summary of Theme (Second level heading)
Blood Pressure Control (Theme 3rd level heading): Add all citations for this section listed.
Behavior change (Subtheme 4th level heading): Add all citations for this listed here.
Community health interventions. (Subtheme 4th level heading): Add all citations for this listed here.
Diet and exercise. (Subtheme 4th level heading): Add all citations for this listed here.
Summary of Theme (2nd level heading): Continue in this fashion. Theme-sub theme, summary.
Significance of the Project: This section identifies and describes the significance of the project and the implications of the potential results based on the clinical questions and problem statement. It describes how the project fits within and will contribute to the current literature or the clinical site practice. It describes potential practical applications from the project.
Project Methodology: Providing the rationale for the selected project method (e.g. quantitative) and includes a discussion of why the selected method was chosen instead of another method.
Project Design: Providing the rationale for the selected project design and includes a discussion of why the selected design is the best one to collect the data needed.