N 5430 The University of Texas at Arlington Leadership Excellence Executive Summary
Identify and evaluate characteristics of leadership that promote excellence in organizational outcomes of care delivery, fiscal accountability and professional growth of the nurse leader as well as others. Interview 3 Nurse Executives – Chief Nurses requested, in some cases the interview may be with a leader at an Administrative Director Level, depending on the type of Health Care Organization students complete the interview. The minimal level of leader for the interview is a leader with the title of Nursing Director. The interview is expected to occur face to face. In your report, include names and credentials. Correlate assessment and analysis of the literature in section B, C, D, E.
For each leader describe:
A. The current role, top priorities. 10 Points
B. Leadership Characteristics – leadership style and top 3 competencies of success as identified by the Nurse Leader. How do style and competencies compare to competencies identified in the literature? 20 Points
C. Professionalism – Mission, service, professional activities – 20 Points
D. Major accomplishments of career – exemplars. 20 Points
E. Analyze, identify the level of leadership, based on Jim Collin’s Level 5 Leadership ( on youtube) , using exemplars and references. 20 PointsSee attached for details for three selected nurse leaders and their responses, rubric and sample
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To assure, to ensure that you are presenting exemplars that will be easily captured by your Instructor is to begin a paragraph with the words:
An example of _______________ was seen during ……. ,
An example of _____________________ was observed when …..
An example of _________ occurred when __________.
Use the words “an example of …”