Anticipatory Set
Your goal in this section is to open the lesson by activating students’ prior knowledge, linking previous learning with what they will be learning in this lesson and gaining student interest for the lesson. Consider various learning preferences (movement, music, visuals) as a tool to engage interest and motivate learners for the lesson.
In a bulleted list, describe the materials and activities you will use to open the lesson. Bold any materials you will need to prepare for the lesson.
For example:
· I will use a visual of the planet Earth and ask students to describe what Earth looks like.
· I will record their ideas on the white board and ask more questions about the amount of water they think is on planet Earth and where the water is located.
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Multiple Means of Representation
Learners perceive and comprehend information differently. Your goal in this section is to explain how you would present content in various ways to meet the needs of different learners. For example, you may present the material using guided notes, graphic organizers, video or other visual media, annotation tools, anchor charts, hands-on manipulatives, adaptive technologies, etc.
In a bulleted list, describe the materials you will use to differentiate instruction and how you will use these materials throughout the lesson to support learning. Bold any materials you will need to prepare for the lesson.
For example:
· I will use a Venn diagram graphic organizer to teach students how to compare and contrast the two main characters in the read-aloud story.
· I will model one example on the white board before allowing students to work on the Venn diagram graphic organizer with their elbow partner.
Explain how you will differentiate materials for each of the following groups:
· English language learners (ELL):
· Students with special needs:
· Students with gifted abilities:
· Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional resources/support):
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Multiple Means of Engagement
In a bulleted list, describe the activities you will engage students in to allow them to explore, practice, and apply the content and academic language. Bold any activities you will use in the lesson. Also, include formative questioning strategies and higher order thinking questions you might pose.
For example:
· I will use a matching card activity where students will need to find a partner with a card that has an answer that matches their number sentence.
· I will model one example of solving a number sentence on the white board before having students search for the matching card.
· I will then have the partner who has the number sentence explain to their partner how they got the answer.
Explain how you will differentiate activities for each of the following groups:
· English language learners (ELL):
· Students with special needs:
· Students with gifted abilities:
· Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional resources/support):
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Multiple Means of Expression
Learners differ in the ways they navigate a learning environment and express what they know. Your goal in this section is to explain the various ways in which your students will demonstrate what they have learned. Explain how you will provide alternative means for response, selection, and composition to accommodate all learners. Will you tier any of these products? Will you offer students choices to demonstrate mastery? This section is essentially differentiated assessment.
In a bulleted list, explain the options you will provide for your students to express their knowledge about the topic. For example, students may demonstrate their knowledge in more summative ways through a short answer or multiple-choice test, multimedia presentation, video, speech to text, website, written sentence, paragraph, essay, poster, portfolio, hands-on project, experiment, reflection, blog post, or skit. Bold the names of any summative assessments.
Students may also demonstrate their knowledge in ways that are more formative. For example, students may take part in thumbs up-thumbs middle-thumbs down, a short essay or drawing, an entrance slip or exit ticket, mini-whiteboard answers, fist to five, electronic quiz games, running records, four corners, or hand raising. Underline the names of any formative assessments.
For example:
Students will complete a one-paragraph reflection on the in-class simulation they experienced. They will be expected to write the reflection using complete sentences, proper capitalization and punctuation, and utilize an example from the simulation to demonstrate their understanding. Students will also take part in formative assessments throughout the lesson, such as thumbs up-thumbs middle-thumbs down and pair-share discussions, where you will determine if you need to re-teach or re-direct learning.
Explain how you will differentiate assessments for each of the following groups:
· English language learners (ELL):
· Students with special needs:
· Students with gifted abilities:
· Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional resources/support):
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