ELM-350 Week 6 Civics/Government Lesson Plan
ELM-350 Week 6 Civics/Government Lesson Plan
Select an upper elementary (5-8) grade level and at least one social studies standard related to civics or government and one arts standard. Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” write a complete lesson plan that is aligned to the standard you chose.
Include the following in your lesson plan:
- Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: Based on your Clinical Field Experience class, describe the class and student factors that affect instructional planning. Use this information to differentiate for the needs of students throughout the lesson plan.
- National/State Learning Standards: Identify one civics/government and one arts standard for your selected grade level.
- Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives: Create at least one specific learning objective that is aligned to both standards.
- Academic Language: List relevant academic language and how it will be modeled.
- Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology: Describe resources required for the lesson, including media or technology that can be used for differentiation and that supports real-world application.
- Multiple Means of Representation: Explain how content will be presented to meet the needs of all students.
- Multiple Means of Engagement: Include at least one learning activity that allows students to explore, practice, and apply the content and academic language within standards-based social studies instruction.
- Multiple Means of Expression: Describe formative and summative assessments that enhance student learning within standards-based social studies instruction.
Compose a 100-150 word rationale explaining how your differentiated instructional strategies integrate technology and incorporate student experiences, culture, and communities through real-world application.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
GCU College of Education LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Section 1: Lesson Preparation Teacher Candidate Name: Grade Level: Date: Unit/Subject: Instructional Plan Title: Lesson Summary and Focus: In 2-3 sentences, summarize the lesson, identifying the central focus based on the content and skills you are teaching. Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: Describe the important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, students with behavior concerns, gifted learners), and the effect of those factors on planning, teaching, and assessing students to facilitate learning for all students. This should be limited to 2-3 sentences and the information should inform the differentiation components of the lesson. National/State Learning Standards: Review national and state standards to become familiar with