Macroeconomic Status and Country Analysis Matrix

Macroeconomic Status and Country Analysis Matrix

Macroeconomic Status and Country Analysis Matrix

Analyzing the macroeconomic status of a country examines the behaviors within a whole economy. In addition to the macroeconomic factors introduced in the reading materials, other components must be considered when analyzing the economic status of a country. The first component is the misery index, which is the unemployment rate and the inflation rate combined. Another consideration is the economic freedom index, which is an exploration of the overall position of a country in comparison to other countries. Finally, there is the human development index, which focuses on the people within the economy, not just the economic growth within a country.


For this assignment, compare the United States and one other selected country of your choice approved by the instructor. Throughout this course, multiple resources have been included in all topic materials to provide websites that will assist in the research required for this assignment. Collect the economic data outlined in the “Country Analysis Matrix,” located in Topic Materials and conduct additional research through a minimum of three readings from The Economist. You must provide citations for the three articles from The Economist.

In addition to completing the matrix, write a 250-word summary identifying two major economic strengths and two major weaknesses for your selected country. Focus on identifying factors that contribute to the country’s overall performance and support the growth of the economy as a whole. For example, has the country grown primarily through export promotion or domestic growth? Finally, point out any significant differences you observe between your selected country and the United States. Use the matrix you have developed and the readings from The Economist to support your analysis.



Country Analysis Matrix Economic Metric United States Selected Country Per Capita GDP Misery Index GINI Index Economic Freedom Index Overall Ranking Human Development Index Overall Ranking Current Account Balance Budget Balance as % of GDP © 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. 1 Formatting: This is an electronic template for papers written in GCU style. The purpose of the template is to help you follow the basic writing expectations for beginning your coursework at GCU. Margins are set at 1 inch for top, bottom, left, and right. The first line of each paragraph is indented a half inch (0.5″). The line spacing is double throughout the paper, even on the reference page. Use one space after punctuation at the end of a sentence. The font style used in this template is Times New Roman. The font size is 12. When you are ready to