SPD 570 GCU Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices Paper

SPD 570 GCU Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices Paper

SPD 570 GCU Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices Paper

Part 1

Select a 1-5 grade level and a corresponding Louisiana Standard from the Measurement and Data domain.

Compose an aligning learning target and select a group of three to four students, from the “Class Profile,” who would benefit from the use of augmentative and/or alternative communication devices. (Class Profile is uploaded at bottom)


With your identified learning target and small group in mind, complete a lesson plan, using the COE Lesson Plan Template, (COE Lesson plan template downloaded at bottom) that specifies applicable assistive technology and includes differentiated activities to facilitate students making comparisons; and

  • Uses models of measuring units; or
  • Uses measuring instruments; or
  • Represents and interprets the data.

Part 2

In addition to your completed lesson plan, rationalize your augmentative and/or alternative communication device choices in a 250-300-word summary. Support your choices with 2-3 scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, an abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. (Rubric is uploaded at bottom)

The following information may help to complete the assignment:

Read “Assistive Technology and Learning Disabilities,” from the South Carolina Assistive Technology Program.



Read “Assistive Technology 101,” from Brainline.org.



Read “Augmentative and Alternative Communication,” located on the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association website.



Read “Integrating AAC into the Classroom: Low Tech Strategies,” by Downey et al., from The ASHA Leader (2004).



Chapters 4, 19, and 20 of Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally.

Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally, Eighth Edition, by John A. Van de Walle, Karen S. Karp, and Jennifer M. Bay-Williams. Published by Pearson. Copyright © 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.



GCU College of Education LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Section 1: Lesson Preparation Teacher Candidate Name: Grade Level: Date: Unit/Subject: Instructional Plan Title: Lesson Summary and Focus: In 2-3 sentences, summarize the lesson, identifying the central focus based on the content and skills you are teaching. Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: Describe the important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, students with behavior concerns, gifted learners), and the effect of those factors on planning, teaching, and assessing students to facilitate learning for all students. This should be limited to 2-3 sentences and the information should inform the differentiation components of the lesson. National/State Learning Standards: Review national and state standards to become familiar with