Language Milestone Timeline Chart

Language Milestone Timeline Chart

Language Milestone Timeline Chart

Assignment 1-Language development is a critical component of students’ academic and social growth. Special educators are often challenged with the responsibility of analyzing language and speech disorders and their implications for learning to appropriately respond to the needs of students with disabilities.


Based on your readings and research on typical language development, identify a minimum of three typical speech and language milestones from birth to age 5, using the “Language Milestone Timeline Chart.”

For each milestone identified, list potential causes of delays, implications for learning for children with those delays, and evidence‐based learning strategies that can be used to support and enhance the communication skills of children with those speech and language delays.

Support your findings with a minimum of five scholarly resources.

Assignment 2 Special education teachers must be well versed in using performance data to identify students whose literacy skills are below grade level. Gaining insight into students’ academic strengths and needs will help educators plan appropriate instruction to assist students in making positive academic growth.

Using the “Class Profile,” identify a group of 3‐4 elementary students who would benefit from an oral language development or phonemic awareness lesson. Determine a K‐2 grade level for your group of fictional students, select an ELA standard from your state related to Oral Language Development or Phonemic Awareness, and then select a corresponding grade‐level text appropriate for use in a lesson plan for the determined group. You may use Appendix B of the Common Core English Language Arts Standards to help you determine an appropriate text for the lesson.

With your choices in mind, use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to design a lesson on oral language development or phonemic awareness, utilizing storytelling, dramatic play, or a read‐aloud as an instructional strategy. Thoroughly script the “Multiple Means of Engagement” section, emphasizing the use of questions to access student’s background knowledge and abilities to build new skills and develop common understanding through shared, concrete experiences.

Upon completion of your lesson plan, compose a 250‐500 word summary, rationalizing how your instructional decisions help your group students to flourish in the classroom, as opposed to just survive. Be sure to address how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.



Language Milestone Timeline Chart Typical Speech/ Language Milestones Age Range Potential Causes of Speech/Language Delays Implications for Learning for Children with Delays Birth-3 Months 1. 2. 3. 4-6 Months 1. 2. 3. 7 Months1 Year 1. 2. 3. 2-3 Years 1. 2. 3. 4-5 Years 1. 2. 3. © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Evidence-based Learning Strategies for Supporting Development in Children with Delays References: © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Arturo Bertie Beryl Yes No No Social/Pra gmatic/Co mmunicati on Skills Written Expressio n Level Uses Phonics and Morpholo gy to Decode Reading Words Lexile/ Grade Performa nce Level Oral Language Developm ent Age Other Gender English Language Learner Student Name Class Profile Tier 2 RTI for reading Grade level Below grade level No Below grade level Below grade level Good