Crime Prevention Assignment Paper

Crime Prevention Assignment Paper

Crime Prevention Assignment Paper

Complete the Unit 8 Project: Construct A Crime Prevention Program: Part 1, this Assignment is the first of a two-part project. 

For this project you will assume the role of a social science researcher in charge of developing a new crime prevention program targeted toward juveniles in the K–12 school system. Review current crime prevention programs that target juveniles. There are several crime prevention programs in K–12 schools nationwide with a standardized curriculum (i.e., D.A.R.E. and G.R.E.A.T.) with many more programs created at the local level (i.e., Big Brothers/Big Sisters and YMCA after-school programs are unique to the community).


Identify three programs currently found in the K–12 school system, national, state, or local programs. Compare and contrast the programs in terms of goals and objectives, target population (e.g., who is receiving and participating in the program), and how and by whom the programs are delivered (i.e., taught by law enforcement officers, school counselors, individuals outside of the school system, etc.). Based on these comparisons, explain which elements you would place in your program and how your program will be delivered to the students.

Create a 13- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation (excluding the cover slide and reference slide) incorporating speaker notes to include the following:

  • Identify three crime prevention programs currently found in the K–12 school system, either national, state or local programs
  • Tell about each program, explaining its goals, target population (i.e., elementary school kids, 5th graders only, kids in each grade level, etc.), and how/where it is delivered.
  • List and explain the pros and cons of each program.
  • Compare each program to the others
  • Tell how successful you believe each program has been and justify your opinions.
  • Explain which elements of each program you would include in your program and why you feel they are important.


Include a reference and title slide.

Cite a minimum of three sources in your reference slide, using in-text citations in the presentation where appropriate.

Complete the Unit 9 Project: Create a Crime Prevention Program: Part 2, The is the second project.

In Unit 8, you were to compare and contrast three current crime prevention programs that target juveniles and evaluate them. In Unit 9, you will complete Part 2 of that project. You will create a proposal for a new crime prevention program that targets juveniles and determine how you will evaluate its effectiveness. You may use elements of the three crime prevention programs you researched for your Unit 8 Assignment or come up with completely different components.

In the analysis of how your program will deter juvenile delinquency, you will want to use data from your three comparison programs to support your new program. For example, how many juveniles are enrolled in the program? In order to deliver the best programming possible for juveniles in the K–12 school system, calculate the optimal ratio of staff to the target population, based on the average ratio of the comparison programs.

Your analysis should specifically identify the data source and include a summary of the data.

In addition, you will want to specifically address how the data were used to inform your thinking on the development of your new program (i.e., how you used the data to solve a real-world problem).

Create a 13- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation incorporating speaker notes to include the following:

  • Who is your target population, what are your goals, and how will your program be implemented?
  • Explain your program, detailing the elements of it and why it will be effective.
  • Describe how the program’s effectiveness will be analyzed and how the objectives will be evaluated.
  • Specify how deterrence will be measured and what will be considered effective deterrence.


Include a reference and title slide.

Cite a minimum of three sources in your reference slide, using in-text citations in the presentation where appropriate.