KD Education Assignment Paper
Part 1
As an employee of a local college, you have just been identified as the Senior Diversity Officer. This is a new position which was developed as a result of the college’s deficiency in diversity and multiculturalism in virtually every facet of the institution’s operations. The Senior Diversity Officer reports directly to the Vice President of Institutional Advancement and Effectiveness, but will also work closely with the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the entire academic team. In your new role, your primary responsibility is to promote and implement diversity in the overall educational community and most importantly the classroom. KD Education Assignment Paper
Before completing the assignment, please read the five (5) Campus Models and Case Studies displayed on the Association of American Colleges & Universities (AACU) website.
Next, write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:
- Develop a mission statement for your college’s diversity office.
- Determine how and why this mission statement is significant for future diversity implementation at your institution.
- Prepare a minimum of five (5) measurable goals that will be implemented throughout the University structure. Provide a rationale for each goal and determine how each goal will impact the future of diversity at your college. Indicate the method you will use to measure progress on each goal and how you will identify when each goal has been accomplished.
- From the AACU website Campus Models and Case Studies, choose one (1) best practice that one (1) of the highlighted universities followed which would also be beneficial to your institution. Explain how the best practice you chose aligns with your mission statement and goals.
- Use at least four (4) quality peer-reviewed academic resources written within the past five (5) years. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
- Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
- Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
- Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Analyze various theories of diversity, and determine how they apply to adult teaching and learning environments.
- Explore the context and development of diversity within adult education and training.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in diversity in adult education.
- Write clearly and concisely about diversity in adult education using proper writing mechanics.
Part 2
Note: The case study used for this assignment was based on an existing case within Gorski, P. and Pothini, S. (2103). Case Studies on Diversity and Social Justice Education (1st ed.). New York: NY: Routledge. The case study was modified slightly for the purposes of this assignment. KD Education Assignment Paper
Professor Matthews, a first-year instructor at a public state university, walked into his mentor Dr. Williams’ classroom, excited to observe him teaching his science course. Mr. Matthews had a lot of respect for Mr. Williams as an instructor and was looking forward to seeing effective classroom techniques in action. Mr. Williams, a 15-year teaching veteran, was well liked and respected by his students and colleagues. In fact, the College Dean recommended that Mr. Matthews observe Mr. Williams for an hour, honing in on how he engaged students and fostered high levels of participation. As the students filed in, Mr. Matthews found a desk in the back of the room and prepared to take notes.
As his students settled into their seats, Mr. Williams enthusiastically called out “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! I want to remind you that the midterm exam is tomorrow.” Following a brief overview of the study materials in their text and class notes, Mr. Williams asked if the students wanted to play a review game. Of course, the adult students agreed, as they knew Mr. Williams always offered something exciting and engaging for students.
“First, we need to split ourselves into two (2) teams”, Mr. Williams explained before asking the class how they wanted to divide themselves. As the students discussed options, Mr. Williams walked to the back of the room and said to Mr. Matthews, “Adult learners like having a certain level of control over their learning.”
Several students suggested that they form teams by gender. This “males versus females” suggestion elicited enthusiastic support from many of the classmates. Mr. Williams sent the men to one side of the classroom and the woman to the other side of the classroom, and proceeded to ask each team a question while keeping count of correct responses.
After ten (10) minutes the team of women was far ahead of the team of men, leading a couple of men to joke that they are “letting the women win so that they don’t get mad.” A couple of women responded by reminding their male counterparts that the women won the previous two (2) games as well. Following several minutes of the teams mocking each other, Mr. Williams attempted to refocus the class by jokingly saying, “Alright guys, listen up. If you don’t stop fighting, I’m going to prepare a new seating arrangement that will alternate male and female students, which clearly would make you unhappy and you would feel like children rather than adults. Let’s focus!” Both teams refocused on the game.
After class, as students left the room, Mr. Matthews heard several male and female students laughing and making disparaging remarks to one another, arguing about which gender was most intelligent and debating society’s reflection on men versus women’s rights and privileges. Mr. Williams approached Mr. Matthews and warmly said “That’s how it’s done! The students love the competition and don’t even realize how much science they’re learning in the process.”
He then looked down at Mr. Matthews’ notes, and noticed that he had written and circled “gender stereotypes” in his notebook. “Whoa! That’s what you are focusing on?” Mr. Williams asked, sounding offended. “Males versus females: that’s what the students love to do. It’s an exciting way to facilitate the learning process.” He then counseled Mr. Matthews, “You’re still new at this and will learn soon enough that as long as the students are engaged and learning, that other stuff doesn’t matter.”
With that, Mr. Williams walked back to his desk as Mr. Matthews sat speechless, wondering whether he had been too sensitive.
From the case study, write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:
- Expand on at least two (2) of the dynamics that Mr. Matthews observed while sitting in on Mr. Williams’ class that might have raised his concerns about the use of gender stereotypes.
- Take a position on whether Mr. Matthew’s concerns about the use of gender stereotypes were founded. Provide a rationale for your position.
- Explain the main ways in which you feel transgender students and / or students who do not identify with a gender would be impacted by the “male versus female” activities that often take place in this classroom.
- Suggest at least one (1) other option Mr. Williams could use for splitting the students into teams.
- Give your own constructive feedback to Mr. Williams regarding his roles as an instructor to his students and a mentor to Mr. Matthews.
- Use at least four (4) quality peer-reviewed academic resources written within the past five (5) years. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
- Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
- Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
- Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Examine methods to integrate diversity into instructional content.
- Develop strategies to respond to issues surrounding diversity.
- Develop strategies and activities applicable to diverse adult learning environments.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in diversity in adult education.
- Write clearly and concisely about diversity in adult education using proper writing mechanics.
Part 3
Choose one (1) of these curriculum designs – Racism and White Privilege; Racism, Immigration, and Globalization; Sexism; Heterosexism; Transgender Oppression; Religious Oppression; Anti-Semitism / Anti-Jewish Oppression; Classism; Ableism; or Ageism and Adultism – to focus on for this assignment. You will be given the opportunity to develop your own diversity curriculum, as well as implement theories, strategies, ideas, and best practices. As a result, adult students from various diverse backgrounds should feel comfortable in the learning environment you provide. KD Education Assignment Paper
Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:
- Create a course name and description for your chosen curriculum.
- Develop a minimum of five (5) course learning outcomes for your chosen curriculum.
- Prepare a lesson plan for a four (4) hour class meeting for your chosen curriculum. Use the lesson plan template provided here, as well as the sample curriculum outline in the appropriate chapter of your textbook for assistance and / or ideas.
- Use at least four (4) quality academic resources written within the past five (5) years. Note: For this assignment, you may use videos you choose for class activities as resources. Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
- Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
- Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
- Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Analyze various theories of diversity, and determine how they apply to adult teaching and learning environments.
- Explore the context and development of diversity within adult education and training.
- Examine methods to integrate diversity into instructional content.
- Develop strategies and activities applicable to diverse adult learning environments.
- Create best practices for designing instructional content for diverse adult learners.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in diversity in adult education.
- Write clearly and concisely about diversity in adult education using proper writing mechanics.
Part 4
Use the feedback provided by your instructor to revise your first draft of the Multicultural Curriculum Design assignment and submit the edited final version in the Week 10 assignment link. Follow the same criteria, formatting requirements, and grading rubric as Assignment 3: Multicultural Curriculum Design (First Draft).
Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:
- Update course name and description for your chosen curriculum based on instructor feedback.
- Update course learning outcomes for your chosen curriculum based on instructor feedback.
- Update lesson plan for your chosen curriculum based on instructor feedback. Download the template here again if needed.
- Use at least four (4) quality academic resources written within the past five (5) years. Note: For this assignment, you may use videos you choose for class activities as resources. Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
- Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
- Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
- Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Analyze various theories of diversity, and determine how they apply to adult teaching and learning environments.
- Explore the context and development of diversity within adult education and training.
- Examine methods to integrate diversity into instructional content.
- Develop strategies and activities applicable to diverse adult learning environments.
- Create best practices for designing instructional content for diverse adult learners.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in diversity in adult education.
- Write clearly and concisely about diversity in adult education using proper writing mechanics.
Part 5
READ “Racist and Homophobic Bullying in Adulthood: Narratives From Gay men of Color in Higher Education” article. Next, summarize both men’s experiences on their college campuses. Take a position as to whether each man has expierenced racism and bullying. Identify one (1) way you could bring awareness to these campuses regarding racism and homophobic bullying.
Part 6
The Diversity, Learning Styles, and Culture video shows the challenges that teachers face in today’s schools. Furthermore, Grant & Agosto (2008) discuss the idea of teacher capacity based upon their inherent traits (i.e. gender, age, race) as well as the teacher’s capacity to teach in a way that not only respects students, but also pushes them beyond tolerance towards a position of advocacy and justice. KD Education Assignment Paper
Chapter 3 introduces the ideas of facilitation and different types of facilitation throughout a social justice course, including confirmation, contradiction, and continuity.
In this discussion, reflect on your own identity and “teaching capacity”. What are some different populations where you feel you skills would be the most effective? Why is that the case? What populations would you anticipate being a challenge? Are there characteristics beyond race, gender, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, and ability that may (or may not) influence your teaching capacity as a social justice educator? What may those be and how would they influence your teaching capacity?
Consider the different facilitating environments. What environments would play to your strengths? What environment would be challenging for you? What strategies could you use to grow in in that area?