Operating Systems Assignment Paper

Operating Systems Assignment Paper

Operating Systems Assignment Paper

Q1. For your main post, choose one of the following topics to discuss: (200 to 250 words)

Describe some of the challenges of designing operating systems for mobile devices compared with designing operating systems for traditional PCs.


Q2. Write a two-page review of an article about the subject of operating systems that appeared in a recent computing magazine or academic journal (older than 2 years is not acceptable) and include the following:  Give a summary of the article, including the primary topic, your own summary of the information presented, and the author’s conclusion. Give your personal evaluation of the article, including topics that made the article interesting to you (or not) and its relevance to your own experiences.  Be sure to proof and edit you work before submitting.  Always cite your source using APA guidelines.

Q3. Write a summary paper or develop a PowerPoint presentation that includes:

  • Describe WBS, PERT, Gantt charts.
  • In your description of each, include a scenario of when you might choose this type of tool, and a scenario when you would not choose this type of tool.
  • Compare two automated project tools to Microsoft Project (cost, support, platform dependence and functionality).
  • Describe how you could use these products to manage security projects.

Submission Requirements

  • Format: Microsoft Word OR Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double- Space
  • Citation Style: APA
  • Word Length: 1–2 pages (plus a cover sheet)
  • PowerPoint: 8-10 slides with notes for added information

Q4.  Results of Improper Project Management

Learning Objective: Analyze an IT project lacking proper management.

According to Flinders (August, 2011), approximately 17% of information technology projects have an average cost overrun of 200%. In addition, they have a high occurrence of scope creep – 20 times greater than other types of projects. Some suggest that the cause is attributed to managers’ lack of IT expertise.

Find an article that addresses failed IT projects (failed information security projects preferred).

In at least 250 words, address the following in your main post.

  • Summarize the article and include your opinion on the major points.
  • Compare the article’s assertions with Flinders (2011) in terms of cost overruns, number and causes of failures.
  • Do you agree with Flinders or the author of your article?

Make sure your opinion is substantiated with valid reasons and references to the concepts covered in the course.



Flinders, K. (August, 2011). Failed IT projects demolish big businesses and executive careers, say researchers. Computer Weekly.com. Retrieved from http://www.computerweekly.com/news/2240105403/Failed-IT-projects-demolish-big-businesses-and-executive-careers-say-researchers

Q5. IT Idea from Concept to Fruition

Learning Objective: Synthesize the process of taking a technology idea to fruition.

Assignment Requirements

View the video, ICT Project Management, from Films on Demand.  After viewing the 20-minute video and completing the reading assignment, critically think about the process of taking a technology idea to fruition. That is, how do we turn our idea into something we can actually use.

  • Write you synthesis following the stages described in the video – conception and planning to building, testing, implementing, and evaluating the finished product, looking at the personnel, tools, and methodologies used along the way.
  • Don’t forget about the tools used in project management (e.g., Gantt charts, collaborative software, systems analysis and planning tools, and formal documentation).
  • Also, address the value of teamwork and conflict resolution within the team.

Submission Requirements

  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double- Space
  • Citation Style: APA
  • Length: 2–3 pages (plus a cover sheet)
I am Not able to Provide the Video so I am Attaching that Transcript here : Transcript

Deadline :

Q1 & Q4 :

Q2, Q3, Q5 :



We rely on information and communication to help enhance our everyday lives. These systems typically begin as an idea with an intention to meet a specific need or requirement. For example, Wikipedia was created as an online encyclopedia whereby volunteers from around the world contribute information easily accessible to the public. But turning an idea into a tangible working system often involves various interconnected technologies and dedicated people working closely to ensure the end goal is achieved. A project is really something that is a one-off activity. So in IT terms, it might be to develop an application. And it might be just one person doing it. It might be many hundreds of people. Even applications that we use in our PCs for productivity, like Word, all the Microsoft stuff, they’re all developed in projects over time. If we