GCU Evidence Based Practices Discussion

GCU Evidence Based Practices Discussion

GCU Evidence Based Practices Discussion


When looking at evidence based practices and BSN prepared nurses, there is a need to continue the use of information into practices. Evidence-based practices form a clinical question to identify to a problem, help gather the best evidence, analyze it, help apply the evidence to practices, and assess the results (Eastern Illinois University Online, 2018). The use of evidence-based practices helps improve patient care and provides new protocols and procedures for nurses to follow. The use of evidence-based practices helps nurse be proactive in the patient care and healthcare plan (Eastern Illinois University Online, 2018). I would like to review new evidence-based practices to see the most up to date information to be able to see what I can implement into my skills and practices and apply it to my skills. I also think that if able I would bring evidence-based practices to the my director or leadership to be able to provide the best care possible to patients (ONS, 2018). I could see that with implementing new evidence-based practices there could be push back from leadership or stake holders as they do not want to implement new practices into the facility or do not want to budget money for these changes. Another difficulty seen could be with push back from the staff as at times that do not want to make the changes from current protocols or procedures (ONS, 2018). I think with providing enough information and making a plan it shows the importance and the changes to be made to the current protocol or procedure is.


Eastern Illinois University Online. (2018, December 10). Why Is Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing so Important? https://learnonline.eiu.edu/articles/rnbsn/evidenc…

ONS Voice. (2018, May 30). Overcome Barriers to Applying an Evidence-Based Process for Practice Change. https://voice.ons.org/news-and-views/overcome-barr…