PSY 7.1 Assignment Paper

PSY 7.1 Assignment Paper

PSY 7.1 Assignment Paper

Please name the cognitive development stage for each scenario on the worksheet. 

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    Activity Handout 9.2

    Which Stage Is It?


    Read through each of the statements and then determine at what stage of cognitive development the person is in.


    1. You take an infant’s toy and place it behind the couch. The infant starts crying because he thinks it is gone.



    2. There are two glasses of milk sitting on the table. One is a tall, thin glass and the other is a short, fat glass; both have the same amount of milk in them. When given a choice, Tommy takes the tall, thin glass.



    3. You have two piles of coins. One pile has a dime and the other pile has 10 pennies. Susie chooses the pile with the 10 pennies because she thinks it has more money.



    4. You ask the children in kindergarten to look at the problem on the board and explain what the completed answer would be. The problem is: 2 + 2 = 4 and 4 – ___ = ___.



    5. Stephanie is sitting at the end of a table and is looking at a picture of the sun above the mountains. Kelley is sitting half way down the side of the table and she sees in the picture the sun to the right of the mountains. Stephanie says that her answer of the sun sitting above the mountains is correct and doesn’t see how Kelley’s answer could be right.



    6. Seth and Tim are in class and are asked to explain how to solve the problem of getting from one house to another that is across town when they only have 15 minutes to get there. Seth and Tim think about it and discuss the streets in town and the traffic situation at various times throughout the day. They come up with an answer without actually having to drive both distances to see which one is faster.
