6-2 Journal: Criminal Prosecution
6-2 Journal: Criminal Prosecution
In this assignment, you will reflect upon the role and limitations of psychological theories in the prosecution of criminals.
What are the limitations of psychological theories in the prosecution of criminals? Does a person’s age impact their motivation or the chances of continuing criminal behavior? Think about your final project assignment. What limitations did you experience as you were developing your report? Can these limitations be addressed or rectified? Explain.
To complete this assignment, review the Criminal Prosecution Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.
PSY 310 Criminal Prosecution Journal Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: Journal activities in this course are private between you and the instructor.
In this assignment, you will reflect upon the role and limitations of psychological theories in the prosecution of criminals.
Prompt: What are the limitations of psychological theories in the prosecution of criminals? Does a person’s age impact their motivation or the chances of continuing criminal behavior? Think about your final project assignment. What limitations did you experience as you were developing your report? Can these limitations be addressed or rectified? Explain.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Limitations: a) What are the limitations of utilizing psychological theories in the prosecution of criminals? b) Can these limitations be addressed or rectified? Explain.
II. Motivational Factors:
a) Does a person’s age impact their motivation? b) Does a person’s age increase the chances of continued criminal behavior?
Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Limitations: Psychological
Addresses the limitations of utilizing psychological theories in the prosecution of criminals using specific examples
Addresses the limitations of utilizing psychological theories in the prosecution of criminals
Minimally addresses the limitations of utilizing psychological theories in the prosecution of criminals
Does not address the limitations of utilizing psychological theories in the prosecution of criminals
Limitations: Rectification
Explains how limitations can be addressed or rectified using concrete evidence to justify claims
Explains how limitations can be addressed or rectified
Insufficiently explains how limitations can be addressed or rectified
Does not explain how limitations can be addressed or rectified
Motivational Factors: Age
Assesses the role age plays on motivation and supports rationale using examples from cases
Assesses the role age plays in motivation
Assessment of the role age plays in motivation is lacking in detail
Assessment of the role age plays in motivation is not evident
Motivational Evaluates the impact age has on continued criminal behavior using several examples to support rationale
Evaluates the impact age has on continued criminal behavior
Evaluation of the impact age has on continued criminal behavior is minimal
Evaluation of the impact age has on continued criminal behavior is not evident
20 Factors: Continued
Articulation of Journal assignment is free of errors in organization and grammar
Journal assignment is mostly free of errors of organization and grammar; errors are marginal and rarely interrupt the flow
Journal assignment contains errors of organization and grammar but these are limited enough so that assignment can be understood
Journal assignment contains errors of organization and grammar making the journal difficult to understand
20 Response
Total 100%