NR 632 Wk1 LA Paper

NR 632 Wk1 LA Paper

NR 632 Wk1 LA Paper


For Week 1, complete the Learning Agreement with self-identified goals to meet COs and initial plans to meet those self-identified goals; review the TIPS document to help you and discuss your goals and plans with your mentor. Your mentor must sign the Learning Agreement for your Week 1 submission.


The agreement should be revised each week to reflect completed goals, additional goals, and changes to the plan dictated by the actual experience or revisions suggested by faculty or the mentor. At the end of the practicum experience, evaluate success with your mentor and obtain the mentor’s signature at the bottom of agreement. Save this form as a Word document and enter required information directly onto it; submit the completed Learning Agreement, signed by your mentor, on the Friday of Week 8. See the Learning Agreement Grading Rubric for grading details. NR 632 Wk1 LA Paper

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    C:\Users\D01030541\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\7T7OKQBI\Pre-licensure Header_Seal Only (3).jpgLearning Agreement Guidelines

    and Grading Rubric

    (Initial—Week 1 and

    Final—Week 8)



    The purpose of this assignment is to help students individualize their practicums based on course objectives.



    1. Review the Course Outcomes (COs) for NR632.

    2. For each CO, in the Practicum Goals column, identify one to two broad goals using the S.M.A.R.T. model, related to the project, each related to the CO (Week 1).

    3. For each goal in Column 2, in the Plans column, identify specific tasks related to the goals that can me measured for progress in Week 7 (Week 1).

    4. In week 7, for each CO, goal, and set of plans, write a reflective summary of your progress (or lack of progress) in that area.


    For Week 1, complete the Learning Agreement with self-identified goals to meet COs and initial plans to meet those self-identified goals; review the TIPS document to help you and discuss your goals and plans with your mentor. Your mentor must sign the Learning Agreement for your Week 1 submission.

    The agreement should be revised each week to reflect completed goals, additional goals, and changes to the plan dictated by the actual experience or revisions suggested by faculty or the mentor. At the end of the practicum experience, evaluate success with your mentor and obtain the mentor’s signature at the bottom of agreement. Save this form as a Word document and enter required information directly onto it; submit the completed Learning Agreement, signed by your mentor, on the Friday of Week 8. See the Learning Agreement Grading Rubric for grading details. NR 632 Wk1 LA Paper


    The Learning Agreement consists of three sections.

    I. Student Learning Outcomes Table (Week 1)

    II. Signatures approving plan (Week 1)

    III. Signatures and mentor verification (Week 8)


    Due Dates:

    1. Initial signed Learning Agreement \ submitted by 11:59 p.m. MT, Sunday at the end of Week 1

    2. Mid-CGE completed signed Learning Agreement submitted by 11:59 p.m. MT, Saturday of Week 8

    A minimum of 144 hours practicum experience is required by the end of NR632.

    If the 144 hours are not completed by end of term, you will receive a grade of “I” and not be able to graduate until completed. NR 632 Wk1 LA Paper


    Total Points: 50 (25 points each week; Weeks 1 and 8)


    Assignment Criteria: Week 1


    Category Points % Description
    Measurable goals developed for each CO 10 40% For each CO, the student created measurable goals related to the CGE project and/or attainment of nurse executive competencies.
    Plans to meet each stated goal specified


    10 40% For each goal, the student created plans and tasks that describe how the student will accomplish the stated goal.
    Student and mentor signatures present 5 20% Both the student and the mentor acknowledged reviewing the Learning Agreement in a format acceptable to the course instructor.
      25 100 A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.




    Assignment Criteria: Week 8



    Category Points % Description
    Narrative summary of progress for each CO present 20 80% For each CO, the student provided a narrative summary of his or her progress toward meeting the goal. There is no penalty for not meeting a stated goal. Points are only deducted if no summary is provided for a CO category. There is a 2-point deduction for each CO category not addressed.
    Student and mentor signatures present 5 20% Both the student and the mentor acknowledged reviewing the Learning Agreement in a format acceptable to the course instructor.
      25 100 A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


    Chamberlain College of Nursing NR632 Nurse Executive Concluding Graduate Experience II






    Grading Rubric


    Week 1

    Week 1

    Assignment Criteria



    Outstanding or highest level of performance



    Very good or high level of performance



    Competent or satisfactory level of performance

    Needs Improvement


    Poor or failing level of performance



    Unsatisfactory level of performance


    Possible Points = 25 Points







    Develops measurable goals for each CO 10 Points     0 Points
      For each CO, the student creates measurable goals related to the CGE project and/or attainment of nurse executive competencies.     One or more COs do not have measurable goals developed.
    Develops specific plans that detail how the student will attain the stated goal(s) 10 Points

    For each goal, the student created plans and tasks that describe how the student will accomplish the stated goal.

        0 Points

    One or more goals do not have plans or tasks associated with them.

    Both student and mentor acknowledge reviewing Learning Agreement by placing signatures in appropriate signature spaces 5 Points     0 Points
      Both the student and mentor signatures are present.     Either the mentor or student signature is missing.
    Total Points     _____ of 25 Points



    Week 8:


    Week 8

    Assignment Criteria



    Outstanding or highest level of performance



    Very good or high level of performance



    Competent or satisfactory level of performance

    Needs Improvement


    Poor or failing level of performance



    Unsatisfactory level of performance

    Content and Format Possible Points = 25 Points

    Narrative summary of progress for each outcome is present 20 Points

    For each CO, the student provided a narrative summary of their progress toward meeting the goal. There is no penalty for not meeting a stated goal. Points are only deducted if no summary is provided for a CO category.

        0 Points

    One or more goals do not have a reflective summary evaluating progress or lack of progress toward meeting plans and goals.

    Both student and mentor acknowledge reviewing Learning Agreement by placing signatures in appropriate signature spaces 5 Points     0 Points
      Both the student and mentor signatures are present.     Either the mentor or student signature is missing.
    Total Points     _____ of 25 Points
  • attachment


    Chamberlain College of Nursing NR632 Nurse Executive Track—CGE I

    Learning Agreement

    Student name: 

    Student D#: 

    Student e-mail, phone: 

    Mentor name and credentials: 

    Mentor contact information (work phone, cell phone, e-mail and work address):


    For Week 1, complete the Learning Agreement with self-identified goals to meet Course Outcomes (COs) and initial plans to meet those self-identified goals; review the TIPS document to help you and discuss your goals and plans with your mentor. Your mentor must sign the Learning Agreement for your Week 1 submission. NR 632 Wk1 LA Paper

    The agreement should be revised each week to reflect completed goals, additional goals, and changes to the plan dictated by the actual experience or revisions suggested by faculty or the mentor. At the end of the practicum experience, evaluate success with your mentor and obtain the mentor’s signature at the bottom of agreement. Save this form as a Word document and enter required information directly onto it; submit the completed Learning Agreement, signed by your mentor, on the Saturday of Week 8. See the Learning Agreement Grading Rubric for grading details. NR 632 Wk1 LA Paper

    The Learning Agreement consists of three sections.

    I. Student Learning Outcomes table (Week 1)

    II. Signatures approving plan (Week 1)

    III. Signatures and mentor verification (Week 8)


    Due Dates:


    1. Initial signed Learning Agreement is submitted by 11:59 p.m. MT, Sunday at the end of Week 1

    2. Completed signed Learning Agreement is submitted by 11:59 p.m. MT, Saturday of Week 8

    A minimum of 144 hours practicum experience is required by the end of NR632.

    If the 144 hours are not completed by end of term, you will receive a grade of “I” and not be able to graduate until completed.

    I. Student Learning Outcomes

    Course Outcomes Student Identified Practicum Goals to Meet COs Plan to Meet Student Identified Practicum Goals Narrative Description of Attainment of Student-Identified Goals Through the End of CGE 1
    CO 1: Apply leadership skills concepts of project management as a nurse executive in an organizational setting to develop, implement and evaluate successful project plans. (POs 4 and 5)      
    CO 2: Using current knowledge, standards of practice, and research from evidence-based literature, synthesize a foundation for the nurse executive role. (POs 3 and 4)      
    CO 3: Exemplify professional values and scholarship that support the role of a student in a practicum setting. (PO 4)      
    CO 4: Contribute to the body of nursing leadership and management knowledge through research, planning, evaluation and dissemination of findings. (PO 4)      
    CO 5: Apply professional values characteristic of the competent and caring nurse executive that promote holistic care principles and an appreciation of cultural humility ( POs 1, 3, and 4)      
    CO 6: Apply evidence-based fiscal principles that contribute to the creation of a caring environment characterized by high quality, safe, patient-centered care (POs 1 and 2)      


    II. Signature Section (Week 1)

    Submitted by: (Student)  Date: 

    Mentor Signature:  Date: 

    Accepted by: (Faculty)  Date: 

    III. Signature Section (Week 8)

    Submitted by: (Student)  Date: 

    Mentor Signature:  Date: 

    Accepted by: (Faculty)  Date:

  • attachment


    Chamberlain College of Nursing NR631 Nurse Executive Track—CGE I

    Learning Agreement

    Student name: Yahima Montero

    Student D#: D40914897

    Student e-mail, phone: 786-294-8724

    Mentor name and credentials: Professor Robert David

    Mentor Contact Information


    Office Phone: 215 888 238

    Cell: +1 605-234-655

    Chambarlein Hospital

    30 S Byron Blvd

    Chamberlain, SD 5725, United States

    I. Student Learning Outcomes

    Course Outcomes Student Identified Practicum Goals to Meet COs Plan to Meet Student Identified Practicum Goals Narrative Description of Attainment of Student-Identified Goals Through the End of CGE 1
    CO 1: Apply leadership skills concepts of project management as a nurse executive in an organizational setting to develop, implement and evaluate successful project plans. (POs 4 and 5) · I will target to interact with at least two project managers who have successfully implemented their projects from Care Hospital to enhance my EDIS implementation strategy

    · I will focus on teamwork, and I will start to lead a coordinated team

    · Listing the identified EDIS project managers to meet

    · Booking an appointment with their secretaries




    · Creating a vibrant team with at least seven members and at most ten members interested in EDIS project

    It is critical to identify all the stakeholders, both internal and external, involved in the EDIS project upfront. After identification, the primary determiner to interact with them and form a team is by first listing them to select the best (Shaffer, Robiner, Cash, Hong, Washburn, & Ward, 2020). By creating a team, it will be easy for me to practice leadership skills such as motivation, inspiration, and communication to ensure the EDIS project is successfully executed and implemented at all phases.
    CO 2: Using current knowledge, standards of practice, and research from evidence-based literature, synthesize a foundation for the nurse executive role. (POs 3 and 4) · I will conduct a systematic review of at least three nursing journal articles based on project management in a week



    · By the second week of EDIS project execution, I will have all team members participating in simulation on roles or nurse executive

    · Ensure I do thorough research from library database on information system-based project implementations in healthcare settings

    · Create a table to fill which has criteria for the selected articles

    · Work on a schedule that indicates simulation venue, time, and nurse executive roles to simulate

    Leading a project in a healthcare setting requires updated information when designing any change project. Conducting quantitative or qualitative systematic reviews to arrive at a common conclusion will help in validating the EDIS project since the articles for review contain evidence-based information that is current and relevant to the EDIS project (Shaffer et al., 2020). A table is used to summarize what an article for review must meet to qualify for giving evidence-based literature.

    Further, simulation is evidence-based learning that equips team members with a concrete understanding of what nurse executive does in a real-life situation and the part he or she plays in project management.

    CO 3: Exemplify professional values and scholarship that support the role of a student in a practicum setting. (PO 4) · Human dignity will guide my daily activities at workplace










    · Throughout the EDIS project, I assume the responsibility of a role model to team members

    · I will ensure my computer has security password to avoid leaking confidential information of nurses or team members

    · Ensuring that I relate well with others without disrespecting them regardless of their junior positions they have

    · Lead by example by showing respect to subordinates and encouraging diverse ideas


    Daily roles and duties touch all nurses within the facility, and I have to respect everyone, enhance trust between us, and protect their privacy at all costs (James & Stacey-Emile, 2019). Computers require a password to ensure that take the responsibility of maintaining confidentiality as a nurse executive. Also, in the EDIS execution, respect and trust are critical, and I should become a team members’ mentor to gain their support in the implementation process.
    CO 4: Contribute to the body of nursing leadership and management knowledge through research, planning, evaluation and dissemination of findings. (PO 4) · I will attend and give my views to at least two policy-making meetings before termination of EDIS project





    · I will send at least five emergence educational materials to all five hospital departments to create awareness of emergence services

    · Closely working and communicating with Chief Executive Officer to stay tuned on the next policy-making meeting

    · Enquire issues leading to policymaking and preparing my presentation for the meeting

    · Determine the right communication channel whether email or newsletters for sending the information

    Contribution to the nursing body through attending policy-making meetings makes a significant move in which the EDIS project provides many opportunities for such meetings to occur (James & Stacey-Emile, 2019). The top management as the sponsor of the project, it will need to review its policies to match the needs of EDIS project execution and implementation.

    Furthermore, spreading emergence of educational materials across all facility department help in disseminating critical findings that all healthcare staff must know or get informed (Clark, Benda, Hegde, McGeorge, Guarrera-Schick, Hettinger, & Bisantz, 2017). However, the achievement of these goals is not possible if there is a gap between a nurse executive or project manager with top management (C.E.O.) as well as an unclear channel to use for communication.

    CO 5: Apply professional values characteristic of the competent and caring nurse executive that promote holistic care principles and an appreciation of cultural humility (POs 1, 3, and 4) · Develop a 10 hiring and promotion guidelines (criteria) based on merit rather than race, seniority, or income level

    · Initiate a 14-day diversity training program for all nurses

    · Review of demographic data for all staff to include in hiring and promotion panel




    · Lobby for training resources from the facility’s top management

    · Set the training schedule with date, venue, and training time

    As nurse executive, professional values that signify integrity should reflect in sensitive matters or roles such as hiring, training, and promotion (Quintana, 2018). When all demographic data for subordinates get reviewed, a nurse executive knows the right people to form an interview panel for registered nurses. Incidences of keeping people of the same race or ethnic group are avoided, and a balanced panel is formed.

    After hiring, training is critical to develop the skills of existing nurses and new nurses. Attaining the objectives of diversity training or EDIS project requires a nurse executive to supply available resources such as external trainers and stationaries.

    CO 6: Apply evidence-based fiscal principles that contribute to the creation of a caring environment characterized by high quality, safe, patient-centered care (POs 1 and 2) · I will identify at least five sources of medication errors and omissions at emergence department




    · I will Involve patients in making decisions during surgery from admission to discharge

    · Evaluating the technology used in prescription

    · Testing equipment for any defect

    · Conducting trials for all diagnostic tools

    · Create an effective patient-nurse relationship


    Evaluation determines whether the current approach for a prescription may be the source of medication errors or not. Testing trials for diagnostic tools help in eliminating default tools to avoid making more errors (Clark et al., 2017). Also, when a nurse-patient relationship gets created, it becomes simple to engage patients and make them part of decision-making regarding their preferred methodology of medication. With the EDIS project, the prescription process will automatically become automated, and errors will get minimized to avoid unnecessary loss of lives, thus creating a safe-patient centered environment.


    II. Signature Section

    Submitted by: Yahima Montero

    Student Signature: 

    Date: 05/10/2020

    Mentor Name Caroline. M.

    Mentor Signature: 

    Date: 06/27/2020

    Accepted by:


    III. Signature Section

    Submitted by: Yahima Montero

    Student Signature: 

    Date: 06/27/2020

    Mentor Signature: 

    Date: 06/27/2020

    Accepted by:





    Clark, L. N., Benda, N. C., Hegde, S., McGeorge, N. M., Guarrera-Schick, T. K., Hettinger, A. Z., … & Bisantz, A. M. (2017). Usability evaluation of an emergency department information system prototype designed using cognitive systems engineering techniques. Applied ergonomics, 60, 356-365.

    James, A. H., & Stacey-Emile, G. (2019). Action learning: staff development, implementing change, interdisciplinary working and leadership. Nursing Management, 26(3).

    Quintana, K. A. (2018). Cultural Diversity and Inclusion in Health Care. Leading and Managing in Nursing-E-Book, 62.

    Shaffer, L. A., Robiner, W., Cash, L., Hong, B., Washburn, J. J., & Ward, W. (2020). Psychologists’ Leadership Roles and Leadership Training Needs in Academic Health Centers. Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings, 1-10.