Forensic Psychology Presentation Paper

Forensic Psychology Presentation Paper

Forensic Psychology Presentation Paper

How the art of profiling is more adaptable to a seminar or discussion form of learning transfer than a didactic form (3 slides).



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    ABC/123 Version X

      Transfer of Learning

    PSYCH/635 Version 2


    University of Phoenix Material

    Transfer of Learning

    Select and complete one of the following assignments:


    Option 1: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Presentation

    Option 2: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Article

    Option 3: Forensic Psychology Presentation

    Option 4: Forensic Psychology Literature Article

    Option 5: Health and Sports Psychology Presentation

    Option 6: Health and Sports Psychology Handout

    Option 7: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Presentation

    Option 8: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Handout


    Option 1: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Presentation

    Among the new techniques in zoo management is a concerted effort to make the animals’ environments stimulating and interesting. Each day, before animals are released into the daytime environment, zoo staff hide food items, toys, and other surprises throughout the environment. Assume that a local zoo has asked you to help them create naturalistic learning situations for their primate family collections. Forensic Psychology Presentation Paper

    Watch the “Learning Sets” video available on the student website.

    Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes for zoo managers and caretaker staff on how they might apply the ideas in this video segment on how chimpanzees and humans differ in transfer of learning.

    Address the following in your presentation:

    · An explanation of learning sets from the video

    · How learning sets facilitate learning in both chimpanzees and humans, including an explanation of differences between chimpanzees and humans in transfer of learning

    Option 2: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Article

    Among the new techniques in zoo management is a concerted effort to make the animals’ environments stimulating and interesting. Each day, before animals are released into the daytime environment, zoo staff hide food items, toys, and other surprises throughout the environment. Assume that a local zoo has asked you to help them create naturalistic learning situations for their primate family collections. Based on your experience with the local zoo, you believe they might benefit from the information.

    Watch the “Learning Sets” video available on the student website.

    Prepare 3- to 5-page journal article for a professional journal for zoo managers and caretaker staff on how they might apply the ideas in this video segment on how chimpanzees and humans differ in transfer of learning.

    Address the following in your article:

    · An explanation of learning sets

    · How learning sets facilitate learning in both chimpanzees and humans, including an explanation of differences between chimpanzees and humans in transfer of learning

    Option 3: Forensic Psychology Presentation

    Popular television shows have created a heightened interest in criminal profiling as a career. The subtlety and complexity of profiling skills are much too difficult to learn by simply studying texts and attending lectures. Assume you have been asked to address the staff of an FBI criminalist school about how to best teach these difficult skills. You have decided to base one 10-minute portion of your presentation to transfer of learning, which you believe is one of the most effective ways to teach complex skills.

    Watch the “Criminal Profiling Research Project” video available on the student website.

    Prepare a 10-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes explaining how some of the concepts and skills of criminal profiling can be trained in criminalists by transfer of learning.

    Address the following in your presentation:

    · How the interviews conducted by Robert Ressler in the video can be considered examples of transfer of learning

    · How the art of profiling is more adaptable to a seminar or discussion form of learning transfer than a didactic form

    Option 4: Forensic Psychology Literature Article

    See Option 3 above. After you made that presentation, you decided that part was so important that it should be shared with others interested in training criminalists and, in fact, virtually all staff involved in training law enforcement personnel.

    Watch the “Criminal Profiling Research Project” video available on the student website.

    Prepare 3- to 5-page journal article for a professional journal for law enforcement personnel explaining how some of the concepts and skills of criminal profiling can be trained in criminalists by transfer of learning.

    Address the following in your article:

    · Explain the types of transfer listed in Table 6.2 of Learning Theories, including distinguishing the pairs of types—near versus far, literal versus figural, and so forth.

    · Explain teaching for transfer.

    Option 5: Health and Sports Psychology Presentation

    Learned helplessness, one manifestation of transfer of learning, is an obstacle to full achievement of health and athletic goals. The following video segments describe the neurobiology of how chimpanzees and humans transfer learning and how learned helplessness develops.

    Watch the “Neuroscience,” “Cognitive Psychology,” “Mental Processes,” and “Learned Helplessness” videos available on the student website.

    Prepare a 10-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes explaining how ideas presented in the video segments can be used to identify and overcome learned helplessness. Assume your audience is either clients for whom you are their wellness life coach, or coaches of high school athletes.

    Address the following in your presentation:

    · Neurobiological changes evident in learned helplessness

    · Seligman’s reformulated (1978 and later) model of learned helplessness

    · Attributional feedback and other mediation techniques

    Option 6: Health and Sports Psychology Handout

    Learned helplessness, one manifestation of transfer of learning, is an obstacle to full achievement of health and even athletic goals. The following video segments describe the neurobiology of how chimpanzees and humans transfer learning and how learned helplessness develops.

    Watch the “Neuroscience,” “Cognitive Psychology,” “Mental Processes,” and “Learned Helplessness” videos available on the student website.

    Prepare a 3- to 5-page handout, explaining how ideas presented in the video segments can be used to identify and overcome learned helplessness. Assume your audience is either clients for whom you are their wellness life coach, or coaches of high school athletes.

    Address the following in your handout:

    · Neurobiological changes evident in learned helplessness

    · Seligman’s reformulated (1978 and later) model of learned helplessness

    · Attributional feedback and other mediation techniques

    Option 7: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Presentation

    In the following video, British humorist Hugh Dennis presents case studies of core management training topics. Several of these demonstrate transfer of learning.

    Watch the “Making the Most of Yourself” video available on the student website.

    Use at least one of the case studies from the video as an example in a 10-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes for your classmates on the subject of transfer of learning. If possible, embed the appropriate section of the video into the Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation.

    Address the following in your presentation:

    · Relate the case study to one or more of the explanations of transfer of learning included in one of the learning theories: behaviorism, social cognitive, information processing and constructivism.

    · Provide a description of how this case study can be generalized to other management situations.

    Option 8: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Handout

    In the following video, British humorist Hugh Dennis presents case studies of core management training topics. Several of these demonstrate transfer of learning. Forensic Psychology Presentation Paper

    Watch the “Making the Most of Yourself” video available on the student website.

    Use at least one of the case studies from the video as an example in a 3- to 5-page handout for your classmates on the subject of transfer of learning. Provide a link to the appropriate section of the video into the handout.

    Address the following in your handout:

    · Relate the case study to one or more of the explanations of transfer of learning included in one of the learning theories: behaviorism, social cognitive, information processing and constructivism.

    · Provide a description of how this case study can be generalized to other management situations.

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