Interview With an Older Adult

Interview With an Older Adult

Interview With an Older Adult

You will use information from your interview with an older adult and your study of Eric Erikson’s research to complete the Module 4 Life Review Analysis project.


This culminating assignment consists of four parts:

· Introduction of older adult

· Analysis of the Life Review Interview

· Student’s Reflections

· References

· Write your paper directly on the “Assignment Document” or template. APA will be graded based on spelling, punctuation and grammar. There is no need to create a new separate document.

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    N3325 Holistic Care of Older Adults


    Week 4 – Assignment: Life Review Analysis


    Name:   Date:  

    Overview: Life Review Analysis

    For this assignment, you will reflect on your interview with the older adult, introduce the individual to the reader, and respond to guiding questions to prepare an analysis paper.




    Your paper should include the following sections:

    1. Introduction of Older Adult – This is the overall context of your interview but should not include the entire interview itself.


    2. Analysis of the Life Review Interview – This includes description of the goals and benefits of life review, your differentiation between a Life Review and ordinary remembering and your analysis of the degree of ego integrity reached by the older adult.


    3. Student’s Reflections – This describes your personal experience during the process, any impact it will have on your clinical practice, and a projection of your own legacy.


    4. References – This is a list of resources you used during your interview and analysis recorded in APA format. Use at least 3 in-text citations of your sources.


    Use APA format throughout paper and references as appropriate. The paper should be no longer than 6 pages (not counting Pages 1-3 of this document and your page of references). If you have questions, please discuss them with your Academic Coach.


    You must also scan, upload, and submit your Interview Consent Form in the appropriate assignment portal. This form counts toward up to 15 points of your Life Review Analysis score. Your Interview Subject’s full name must appear on the signed consent form!


    Details about each section are given later in this document.


    Performance Objectives:

    · Apply gerontologic nursing principles and standards in nursing practice across the continuum of elder care.

    · Use current evidence and theories in care of older adults.

    · Conduct a personal interview with an older adult for the purpose of documenting Life Review.





    Use this rubric to guide your work on the assignment, “Life Review Analysis.”


    The completed Life Review Interview will be analyzed, tying together what the student has learned from the literature about the goals and benefits of Life Review as well as evaluating the interviewee’s status according to Erikson’s final developmental stage, Ego Integrity vs. Despair.

    · Rubric Detail

      Levels of Achievement
    Criteria Proficient Competent Novice
    Interview Consent Form

    Weight 15.00%

    100 %

    complete with signatures or participant is at least age 70 and is not a relative of student unless student has written permission from Coach/Faculty for an exception(10). Consent is in correct format (not JPEG)

    0 % 0 %

    not submitted at all. Missing information

    or signatures or consent is submitted in incorrect format

    If the consent form is not submitted then no credit will be

    Given for the assignment

    Introduction of Older Adult Confidentiality

    Weight 2.00%

    100 %

    Older adult is identified only with initials

    50 % 0 %

    Name is used

    Selection Process/criteria Biography Significant Events Relationships work and Home Summary statements

    Weight 7.00%

    100 %

    Key information is present in these areas

    75 %

    Sketchy, missing some information

    0 %

    missing critical information


    Weight 1.00%

    100 %

    Well organized, brief

    0 % 0 %

    Lacks continuity or is excessively wordy

    Analysis of Life Review goals and Benefits of Life Review

    Weight 10.00%

    100 %

    4 or more benefits or goals are listed

    70 %

    2-3 benefits or goals listed

    0 %

    0-1 benefits or goals

    Similarity of Life Review to Ordinary Remembering

    Weight 10.00%

    100 %

    Comparison is present with 2 or more examples from the interview

    50 %

    Comparison with 1 example

    0 %

    no comparison or no examples

    Differences between Life Review and Ordinary Remembering

    Weight 6.00%

    100 %

    Contrast between Life Review and ordinary remembering with explanation of Evaluation. 2 or more examples from interview given

    50 %

    same as proficient but with only 1 example

    0 %

    contrast is inadequate or no examples given

    Erikson’s Developmental Stage and Description of Interview Subject

    Weight 10.00%

    100 %

    Theory is described clearly with 2 specific examples given from the interview

    80 %

    same as proficient with only 1 example

    0 %

    Loos connection between theory and client: missing description of theory or no connection.; no examples

    Ego Integrity Rating

    Weight 3.00%

    100 %

    rating is present and plausible based on documented interview

    0 % 0 %

    Rating is missing or implausible

    Rationale for rating

    Weight 3.00%

    100 %

    Rationale is present and clear from the examples given

    0 % 0 %

    Rationale unclear or missing

    Citations regarding Erikson’s Theory

    Weight 3.00%

    100 %

    1+ source is cited in text

    0 % 0 %

    no citation given to support information on Erikson

    Reflections Value and Reason

    Weight 3.00%

    100 %

    Statement(s) with 1+ reason(s)

    50 %

    Statement with no reasons

    0 %

    no statement of personal value

    Most Significant Point of Interview

    Weight 3.00%

    100 %

    Example(s) with 1+ reason(s)

    50 %

    examples with no reason

    0 %

    no statement of significant point

    Most Difficult or Anguishing part

    Weight 3.00%

    100 %

    example(s) with 1+ reasons or statement of none

    50 %

    examples with no reasons

    0 %

    no statement

    Impact on Clinical Practice

    Weight 3.00%

    100 %

    examples with 1+ reasons

    50 %

    examples with no reasons

    0 %

    no statement

    Personal Legacy

    Weight 2.00%

    100 %

    definition, personal legacy present

    50 %

    definition or personal legacy

    0 %

    no statement regarding legacy

    APA Format Used List of References

    Weight 5.00%

    100 %

    APA format used, 3+ references

    60 %

    APA format used, 1-2 references 1-2 APA errors in references

    0 %

    Incorrect APA (>4 errors) or no list of references

    References in Body of the Text

    Weight 5.00%

    100 %

    APA format used, no APA errors. 3+ references

    60 %

    APA format used, 1-2 APA errors. 1-2 references

    0 %

    Incorrect APA, 3+ APA errors, or no list of references

    Spelling Punctuation and Grammar

    Weight 5.00%

    100 %

    no errors

    60 %

    1-2 errors

    0 %

    >2 errors

    Scope minus 5 points if a family member is interviewed without consent of faculty in advance

    Weight 1.00%

    100 %

    within maximum of 6 pages

    0 %

    over 6 pages

    -5 %

    family member interviewed without permission




    A. Interview Consent Form

    Upload and submit your Interview Consent Form (with elder’s signature) in the appropriate Week 4 assignment portal. This is due 2359 Saturday of Week 4 along with your Life Review Analysis.



    B. Introduction of Older Adult

    Do not submit the entire interview.


    · Describe how and why you selected this older adult (use only older adult’s initials).

    · Include a brief biography of your elder. For example:


    C.R. is an 84-year-old white male living with his wife of 60 years in Arlington, Texas. He was born in Madison, Wisconsin, the oldest of four children. During his childhood, he lived on a farm, graduated high school and moved to Chicago, IL. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Chicago…..etc., etc.


    The brief biography should be at maximum one page in length Do not rewrite your interview, only summarize it. Since the instructor was not present at your interview, this section of the paper provides the context of your interview.


    C. Analysis of the Life Review Interview


    · Compare and contrast the elements of a Life Review with those of ordinary remembering. Give two supporting examples from your interview. How are they similar, and how are they different?

    · Describe 4 goals and benefits of life review. Give references and citations to support them.

    · Based on your interview, describe the degree on a scale of 0 to 10 of Erikson’s ego integrity reached by the elder. Give a rationale for your assessment that includes at least one example from the interview.

    · Include the reference(s) for your supporting citations (APA style).

    · Organize your analysis so that it is complete and concise. Your total paper (beginning with Page 4 of this document) should be 6 pages maximum in length, not counting your page of references.


    D. Student’s Reflections

    · This interview experience was/was not an enlightening experience. Why?

    · Describe the most significant point of the interview to you, and explain why.

    · Describe a difficult/anguishing part of the interview, if any, and explain why.

    · In what way might you change your general approach to elders in your clinical practice after this experience, if any?

    · Define “legacy” in your own terms. Discuss what you would like your legacy to be; what would you like to leave for others?


    E. References

    List your references for this assignment using APA format.




    ©2009 UTA School of Nursing

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