Discussion: How Theory and Research are Connected
Discussion: How Theory and Research are Connected
In this discussion, you will examine how Bandura’s bobo doll experiment informed the development of social learning theory. You will also identify limitations in the design of the study. You might be surprised to learn that the study has limitations due to its important and sustaining contribution to the field of psychology. Keep in mind that while most researchers strive to design the best study they can, no study is perfect. This is why almost every journal article you read has a specific heading or section dedicated to study limitations. Fortunately, the limitations of one study often result in several additional studies, which often address those limitations.
To prepare
- Review this week’s Learning Resources on theory development, research, and Bandura’s bobo doll experiment.
- Consider how research informs theory development and, in particular, Bandura’s social learning theory.
- Identify the limitations of the bobo doll experiment and think about potential studies that could be conducted to address the limitations. (https://www.simplypsychology.org/bobo-doll.html )
- Review several studies that interest you from the APA’s Research in Action web page. Consider how these practical applications could also inform theory. (http://www.apa.org/action/resources/research-in-action/index.aspx )
By Day 4
Post a response to the following:
Explain how research informs theory development using the bobo doll experiment as an example. Then, select one of the limitations of the study (listed on the Bobo Doll Experiment website) and briefly describe a study that could address that limitation.
Note: Support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and any additional sources you identify using both in-text citations and references. It is strongly recommended that you include proper APA format and citations.
Please use both references that is attached to this assignment. Below is the citation:
Gelso, C. (2006). Applying theories to research: The interplay of theory and research in science. In F. Leong & J. Austin, The psychology research handbook: A guide for graduate students and research assistants (pp. 455-464). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. doi:10.4135/9781412976626.n32
Toomey, T., Richardson, D., & Hammock, G. (2017). Introductory psychology: How student experiences relate to their understanding of psychological science. Teaching of Psychology, 44(3), 246–249.