Module 3: Jury Duty Project
Module 3: Jury Duty Project
As someone with a background in psychology, you (Darius) have been chosen to be the foreman for this jury. It is your task to organize the jury’s thoughts on whether the defendant should be found guilty or innocent.
This particular jurisdiction requires a jury to submit a court document that summarizes the verdict process. Therefore, you will need to provide a Word document to the judge explaining the thought process of the Jury during deliberation for the court to file away as part of the official verdict. Use references from this module and include APA in-text citations. Module 3: Jury Duty Project
Submit your completed assignment by following the directions below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:
note: the file I uploaded just download it and scroll down to module3…. the instruction for module 3 is what you should use to solve the above question. (module 3 Jury Duty )
* i added a zip file containing screenshots of the incident that happened with Darius. That is the case.
* also please ensure that every paragraphs should have or contain an in-text citation.
dariuscase.zip2021-04-23 (1).png2021-04-23 (10).png2021-04-23 (11).png2021-04-23 (12).png2021-04-23 (13).png2021-04-23 (14).png2021-04-23 (15).png2021-04-23 (16).png2021-04-23 (17).png2021-04-23 (18).png2021-04-23 (19).png2021-04-23 (2).png2021-04-23 (20).png2021-04-23 (21).png2021-04-23 (22).png2021-04-23 (23).png2021-04-23 (24).png2021-04-23 (25).png2021-04-23 (26).png2021-04-23 (27).png2021-04-23 (28).png2021-04-23 (29).png2021-04-23 (3).png2021-04-23 (30).png2021-04-23 (4).png2021-04-23 (5).png2021-04-23 (6).png2021-04-23 (7).png2021-04-23 (8).png2021-04-23 (9).png2021-04-23.png
NOTE: In order to successfully complete your course assignments, you will need to refer to the grading rubrics for specific instructions PRIOR to beginning each assignment. The rubrics will specify what you will need to include in each of your assignments as well as the point distribution. If you have any questions about the grading rubrics, please reach out to me before submitting your assignment. Module 3: Jury Duty Project
APA Formatting Checklist for Assignments:
TITLE PAGE (NOTE: You no longer need a running head in your paper.
The title page content is double-spaced.)
1 Title of Paper in Bold
Your Name
Rasmussen University
PSY 1012: General Psychology
Professor’s Name
Date of Submission
(NOTE: The body of the paper is left justified and double spaced with one-inch margins.)
Page numbers, top right justified Insert your first header at the top of page two (Title of paper in bold and centered). Every paragraph that contains content from a source has at least one in-text citation. In-text citation format: REFERENCE PAGE (NOTE: The reference page starts on a separate page. Every written assignment needs a reference page.)
References (at top of page; bold and centered) References are in alphabetical order by author’s last name or organization or webpage title. Each reference has a hanging indent. References are double-spaced. Examples of book references: Examples of journal articles: Examples of online sources: All references are in the body of the paper as in-text citations. All in-text citations in the reference list. WRITING MECHANICS AND GRAMMAR
Formatting 1-inch margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman font Page numbers in upper right corner Body of paper left justified Double spacing Each paragraph indented Mechanical and
Check your paper for punctuation errors: Unnecessary commas
(Example: She went to the store, and bought milk.)
Missing comma after introductory element
(Example: According to Erikson a child needs trust.)
Did you use punctuation to separate each of your complete thoughts or sentences? Read your sentences and look for missing punctuation like a comma or period. Correct sentence structure (i.e. Each sentence must have a subject and a verb. Use the same verb tense. Use either present or past verb tense in your papers.) Check for run-on sentences (i.e. Two or more complete clauses that could stand alone as a sentence). Example: The brain is a fascinating structure it is the largest and most complex organ in the human body and it can suffer brain damage.
Check for sentence fragments (i.e. Part of a sentence that is presented as a complete sentence. Typically, fragments do not have a verb or subject.) Examples: Short-term memory duration 30 seconds.
Long-term memory is held indefinitely. And holds informative information.
Compound sentences (i.e. A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. Use a comma before the conjunction to indicate a pause between the two thoughts.) Example: Short-term memory lasts for several seconds, and long-term memory is held indefinitely.
Check for spelling errors (i.e. Check for commonly misspelled words: then, than, effect, affect, its, it’s, their, there, they’re, to, too, two. Remember that spell checkers do not identify many spelling errors.) Check your paper for unnecessary capitalization (i.e. Do not capitalize theories, theoretical concepts/stages, terms, etc.). Example: Piaget’s Sensorimotor Stage is his first stage.
Check your paper for missing capitalization (i.e. capitalize proper nouns, the first words of sentences, and important words in titles. Common nouns are not capitalized.) Example for common noun: I ordered a new computer online.
Example for a proper noun: I ordered a new laptop from Amazon.
Check your paper for missing words and other grammatical errors. Suggestion: If you read your paper out loud to yourself or another person, you are more likely to notice omitted words as well as other grammatical errors.
Did you find and FIX any areas that your Word Processor has underlined? These are usually an indication that there is an error. Discussion Posts (Initial and Reply) Grading Rubric: Students are required to complete an initial post to each Module’s Discussion Question as well as two replies to their peers’ posts.
General Grading Rubric:
Initial Post- /15 points
2 Reply Posts- /8 points (4 points each)
Spelling/Grammar /2 points (1 point initial/1 point replies)
Total for each Module: /25 points
Please see the course calendar for due dates.
Note: Initial and Reply posts must be thoughtful and thought-provoking. A simple, “I agree or disagree” or “Yes or No” are not sufficient. When replying to another student’s post, please be respectful, ethical, and professional. Base your posts on both academic and anecdotal evidence.
Initial post: Respond to every issue raised by the Discussion Question. A thoughtful and thought-provoking post will be at least one to two paragraphs in length, including academic and anecdotal evidence.
Note For Reply Posts: Each reply needs to find common ground (agreement) as well as uncommon ground (disagreement) with your peer. In other words, identify 2-3 points with which you agree or disagree. Explain why you agree and/or disagree with each point. Doing so will expand your as well as your peer’s understanding of the issue. In addition, each reply needs to ask your peer one or more questions that expand their understanding of the issue.
Paper Identify five (5) issues related to homelessness (substance dependence/addiction, psychosis/schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, neurocognitive deficits, domestic violence, perceptions of the homeless and homelessness by others, other forms of mental illness). After you identify at least five (5) issues, provide a thorough description of how EACH issue could put a person at risk for homelessness.
Provide at least five (5) suggestions based on research to help those who are homeless. APA formatting Spelling and grammar This paper will be 2-3 pages in length. In order adequately address all requirements, the paper will be closer to 3 pages. MODULE 2: BEHAVIOR PLAN PROJECT
Behavior Intervention Plan (NOTE: Make sure the behaviors you are addressing in this plan relate to both home and school settings. You can address how Brian can get feedback from the teacher and use that feedback to address home behaviors.)
3 Targeted Behaviors (decreased): Each behavior needs to be stated in behaviorally-specific terms. For example, if you identify that Kaiden’s aggressive behavior needs to be decreased, you need to specify what aggressive behavior needs to be decreased. Is it hitting, yelling, or throwing objects?
3 Punishments: Identify a positive or negative punishment that would decrease each of the 3 targeted behaviors. I would suggest using negative punishment (i.e. removing a certain favorite item like a cell phone or video time).
3 Replacement Behaviors (increased): Each replacement behavior must be directly related to each targeted behavior. Each behavior needs to be stated in behaviorally-specific terms. For example, do not state “getting along with peers” or “being respectful.” For example, if you identify that Kaiden needs to be more respectful, you need to specify what respect looks like. Is it following instructions, making an apology, or following rules?
3 Rewards: Identify a positive or negative reinforcer that would increase each of the 3 replacement behaviors. Make sure the reinforcers are related to each replacement behavior.
Be sure to address Kaiden’s behaviors at school as well as those at home. For example, you could include a reinforcement scheme that is contingent on good or bad reports each day from Kaiden’s teacher. Measurable Goals: Identify 3 behaviorally specific goals. How you will measure the child’s progress? How will the child know when he is making progress?
Reinforcement Schedule(s): Identify two different reinforcement schedules that you will use to shape the desired behaviors and goals. These reinforcement schedules are located in your text (i.e. continuous, partial or intermittent, fixed-ratio, fixed-interval, variable-ratio, variable-interval, etc.).
Behavior Chart(s) Choose one the charts or create your own chart. Identify 5 replacement (desirable) behaviors that you want the child to learn. Make sure each behavior is stated in behaviorally-specific terms. The 5 replacement behaviors must address both home and school behaviors that you want the child to learn. Record each day that the child exhibits any of the desired behaviors. Mark one point for each. State how many points the child needs to earn per week in order to receive a reward. From a developmental perspective, Kaiden is young and will require more frequent reinforcement. Identify 3 different rewards the child can earn. Observation Recording Form When you open this document, you will see a column named, “Consequence/Outcome.” There you will see the consequences of the child’s behavior. For each one, you will be required to substitute Ms. George’s reaction with ONE of the following: (1) A positive reinforcer that would shape a more desirable behavior;
(2) A negative reinforcer that would shape a more desirable behavior; or,
(3) A negative punishment that would decrease the targeted behavior.
For example: Small group activity. Ms. George could tell the child that he could earn 10 minutes of video time if he reads. That is using positive reinforcement.
APA formatting Spelling and Grammar MODULE 3: JURY DUTY PROJECT
(The details of trial are discussed in the Module 3 video located in the course content.)
Court document summarizing the verdict process Describe the different theories about memory (i.e. decay theory, interference theory, retroactive/proactive interference, false memory, repressed memory, fading theory, distortion theory, retrieval cue failure, etc.) Describe how EACH theory could affect the memory and testimony of each witness (i.e. credibility of their testimonies). Assess the closing statements of both the defense and prosecution (i.e. credibility, accuracy, biases, etc.) Summarize all of the testimonies and evidence. In a paragraph or two, describe the verdict process for the judge (i.e. how the jury decided innocence or guilt) APA formatting Spelling and grammar This document will be 2-3 pages in length. In order adequately address all requirements, the paper will be closer to 3 pages. MODULE 4: DEVELOPMENTAL THEORIES
Paper Describe Piaget’s Theory (Describe the theory’s general premise and all four stages. For each stage, provide 3 characteristics.) Describe Erikson’s Theory (Describe the theory’s general premise and all eight stages. For each psychosocial stage, describe how the developing individual would successfully and unsuccessfully resolve each stage. You can also list the psychological virtue for each stage.) Choose one theory and explain why you believe this theory is a more accurate depiction of development (provide 3 reasons why you chose this theory) Describe the stages of Kubler-Ross’ theory of grieving (DABDA). Give 5 tips for coping with loss. APA formatting Spelling and grammar This paper will be 2-3 pages in length. In order adequately address all requirements, the paper will be closer to 3 pages MODULE 5: DISORDERS WORKSHEET
Worksheet (NOTE: An adequate description of each disorder will require 3-4 sentences.)
Anxiety disorders (give specific descriptions of each disorder as well as identify several symptoms for each disorder) Mood disorders (give specific descriptions of each disorder as well as identify symptoms for each disorder) Schizophrenia (give specific descriptions of this disorder as well as identify symptoms for this disorder) Personality disorders (give specific descriptions of each disorder as well as identify symptoms for each disorder) APA formatting (For each disorder, every box will require an in-text citation.) Spelling and grammar MODULE 6: ETHICAL CONCERNS
(The ethical principles and standards are discussed in the Module 6 video which is located in the course content section.)
Paper General Principles and Ethical Standards: Briefly describe the FIVE general principles (beneficence and nonmaleficence; fidelity and responsibility; integrity; justice; respect for people’s rights and dignity).
Briefly describe TWO of the ethical standards (resolving ethical issues; competence; human relations; informed consent; torture; confidentiality; advertising; record keeping and fees; education and training; research and publication; deception; assessment; therapy).
For EACH study, address how all of the FIVE general principles and TWO of the ethical standards would be used to assess how ethical or unethical each study was.
Discuss if and why these studies would be unethical today (i.e. state three reasons). APA formatting Spelling and grammar