Wk3 Quiz Assignment Paper

Wk3 Quiz Assignment Paper

Wk3 Quiz Assignment Paper


  1. Which if the following are described as techniques associated with the practice of Intergenerational Family Therapy? A. Coaching, Enmeshment, Detriangulation B. Genogram, Enmeshment, Coaching C. Genogram, Coaching, “Going Home Again” D. Empty Chair, Challenging, Projection

0.5 points  



  1. A modern multicultural perspective of family systems must now include which of the following? A. Norms relating to intimacy B. Distribution and use of power C. The role of others involved with the couple/family D. All of the above

0.5 points  


  1. In using the “Family Mapping” technique the counselor is basically looking for: A. Family structure, Id/Ego relationships, problem maintenance patterns B. The family’s ability to use a road map C. The family’s ability to construct a genogram D. Family structure, Resonance, and Developmental Stage

0.5 points  


  1. Symptom based treatment plans require which of the following? A. Behaviorally stated, measurable objectives that clearly give focus to the goals of treatment B. Outcomes that are related to the theoretical perspective of the family counselor C .An brief summary of the “symptom bearer’s” last medical evaluation D. A pre-signed Involuntary Commitment Order to be used in the event that someone in the family needs psychiatric care

0.5 points  


  1. Theory-based treatment plans are most influenced by: A. Behaviorally stated, measurable objectives that clearly give focus to the goals of treatment B. The clinician’s theoretical orientation/approach C. The needs specified by the family’s insurance company D. Patient placement criteria, as specified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). Wk3 Quiz Assignment Paper

0.5 points  


  1. Bowen Family Systems Theory is also known as: A. Person Centered Counseling B. Intergenerational Family Therapy C. Transnational Family Therapy D. Internal Systems Theory

0.5 points  


  1. “Differentiation of Self” is: A. A lifelong process that can never be fully achieved B. A process that takes place during the “Trust vs. Mistrust” stage of child development C. Usually results in a separation or divorce D. A symptom of Schizophrenia, Undifferentiated Type, as defined by the DSM-5

0.5 points  


  1. Treatment plans must include the assessment of risk and safety.  When assessing risk of harm and safety, which of the following should be assessed? A. Threats of harm to self or others B. Emotional abuse C. Eating Disorders D. All of the above should be assessed

0.5 points  


  1. Fusion, as it relates to the practice of Intergenerational Family Therapy, usually results in: A. Reactive emotional distance in the marriage B. Projection of the problem onto the children C. Inner-child conflicts D. A and B only

0.5 points  


  1. Boundaries, in Structural Family Therapy, refer to:The tendency for young children to declare certain parts of a home “off limits” to other members of the familyRules that relate to who participates, and how they participate in overall family interactionsRules that relate to who has power among the siblings, according to their birth orderThe tendency for certain members of a family to break off relationships with other members of the family whom they dislike

0.5 points  


  1. Structural family therapists view the family as: A. A system structured according to set patterns and rules that govern family interactions B.A system oriented around the Hierarchy of Needs C. A group of people who are driven towards a common goal by their subconscious motivations for love and acceptance D. A system designed to meet the expectations of culturally sanctioned norms about what a family is supposed to look like

0.5 points  


  1. Clients are usually classified into three different types, based on their level of motivation for change.  These three types of clients are: A. The Id, Ego, and Super-Ego B. The Visitor, Complainant, and Customer C. The Visitor, Inquisitor, and Customer D. The Id, Ego, and Ego-Centrist

0.5 points  


  1. In couples and family counseling, the “central healing relationship,” is identified as the relationship between: A. The counselor and the children B. The counselor and the partner with the “identified problem” C. The client family and their primary care physician D. The members of the family/couple

0.5 points  


  1. In the practice of Bowenian/Intergenerational Family Therapy, “sibling position” is defined as: A. Fixed personality characteristics based on sibling position/birth order B. The location of siblings during family disputes C. The position in which siblings sit when they are engaged in family conversations D. Fixed personality characteristics associated with the level of differentiation in each sibling

0.5 points  


  1. Treatment plans should contain which of the following components? A. Theory-specific goals and interventions B. An advance directive, which proscribes interventions that have been approved by the client family, should the client suffer a debilitating injury C. Interventions that will be utilized during the course of therapy, to accomplish goals D. A and C ONLY

0.5 points  


  1. A treatment plan is best defined as: A. A list of goals and objectives for the client family B. A list of tasks that the counselor must accomplish before insurance companies will reimburse for services C. A document that is sent to a family’s primary care physician which outlines any and all non-professional services the client family will be utilizing during treatment D. A plan for how to elicit change in the family system in an effort to address the presenting problems

0.5 points  


  1. When used as a technique, Genograms: A. Provide insight and introduce the possibility for a calm, rational discussion B. Are primarily guided by Expressive Arts Therapy, as children are encouraged to “draw” the genogram, thus symbolizing being accepted into the family C. Are required by insurance companies D. Can only be effective if the counselor is truly exhibiting a non-anxious presence

0.5 points  


  1. When conducting the family assessment, the family counselor assesses “complementarity.”  This is best described as: A. The ability of family members to complement each other when they do something well B. The process through which the counselor compliments the family for improvements they make during the counseling process C. Relationships between and amongst family members that may result in reciprocal or complementary aspects D. The relationship that develops between the counselor and the parent with the most power

0.5 points  


  1. Structural Family Therapists consider the “individual” to be a:A.Subsystem, in and of itself B. “Non-factor” in systemic family processes C. The “Chief Instigator” in any given problematic scenario D. A and C

0.5 points  


  1. Which of the following best describes, in general, the goals of Intergenerational Family Therapy? A. Resolution of the Oedipus Complex and differentiation of self B. Differentiation of self and anxiety reduction C. Resolution of family enmeshment and resolution of the id/ego conflict D. Validation, communication, and self-esteem

0.5 points  


  1. Generally speaking, which of the following are goals of Structural Family Therapy? A. Generational hierarchy, parental coalitions, and clear boundaries B. Emotional cutoff, power differentials, and cycles of abuse C. Validation, communication, and self esteem D. Physical health, acupuncture, and  boundaries. Wk3 Quiz Assignment Paper

0.5 points  


  1. Subsystems consist of: A. Individuals B. Spouses C. Siblings D. All of the above

0.5 points  


  1. Which of the following is credited as being the founder of Structural Family Therapy? A. Salvador Dali B. Virginia Satir C. Carl Rogers D. Salvador Minuchin

0.5 points  


  1. The second, or “new phase” of Behavioral Couple Therapy is characterized by: A. The development of integrative behavioral couple therapy B. An increased emphasis on psychoanalytic techniques C. An increased emphasis on Gestalt Therapy techniques D. An increased emphasis on medication assisted therapies