Journal Paper: Payment Systems
Journal Paper: Payment Systems
Compare and contrast the various billing and coding regulations researched in Module Two to determine which ones apply to prospective payment systems. Reflect on how these regulations affect reimbursement in a healthcare organization. Assess the impact of regulations on reimbursement in a healthcare organization and explain what you think is working and what could be a challenge. If possible, bring in a real-world example either from your life or from something you have read about.
HCM 345 Journal Guidelines and Rubric
Journals are private between the student and the instructor. These journals are meant to offer you an opportunity to reflect on real-world experiences related to healthcare administration as well as the opportunity to put your critical thinking skills to work by expressing your thoughts in response to the questions assigned for you to answer.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
• Application of healthcare reimbursement concepts that are relevant to the journal prompt
• Personal reflection about course content from real-world examples you have witnessed, read about, experienced, or expect to experience
Approach these activities as (a) an opportunity to reflect upon and apply what you learn each week based on the assigned readings, discussions, and activities, and (b) an opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise based on your educational and professional experiences in the past. As a successful professional, you will need good reflective and writing skills. Journal activities offer you the opportunity to further develop these skills.
Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Reimbursement Concepts
Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses course resources to support ideas
Discusses health reimbursement issues and includes an accurate and detailed explanation of the key aspects of the topic
Discusses health reimbursement issues but lacks details pertaining to the key aspects of the topic
Does not discuss health reimbursement issues
Reflection Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses concrete examples to make connections
Includes a personal reflection that makes connections to current or future profession
Includes a reflection, but it lacks details or connections to current/future profession
Does not include a reflection 40
Articulation of
Journal assignment is free of errors in organization and grammar
Journal assignment is mostly free of errors of organization and grammar, which are marginal and rarely interrupt the flow
Journal assignment contains errors of organization and grammar, but they are limited enough so that the assignment can be understood
Journal assignment contains errors of organization and grammar, making the assignment difficult to understand
Earned Total 100%