1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

For Final Project I: Malpractice Case, you will analyze a provided on the Final Project 1 Guidelines and Rubric.

First, you will complete the Describe the Case Worksheet to start the analysis of your case. One common method of case analysis is called the Issue, Rule, Application, and Conclusion (IRAC) method. For this task, you will only be completing the “Issue” portion of the IRAC method. 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case


To complete this assignment, review the Describe the Case Worksheet Rubric document.

Attached below is the link to the case thats needed to answer the worksheet and the rubric and guidelines for all

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    Describe the Case Worksheet

    Issue (What facts and circumstances brought these parties to court?)
    ● Who are the parties in this case:

    plaintiff and defendant?

    ● What facts and circumstances brought these parties to court?  
    ● Is the court deciding a question of fact—i.e., are the parties in dispute over what happened?

    Or is it a question of law—i.e., is the court unsure which rule to apply to these facts?

    ● Which facts of the case raise issues?  
    ● What are the nonissues?  
    ● Other  

    Modified from http://www.lawnerds.com/guide/irac.html

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    IHP 420 Describe the Case Guidelines and Rubric

    Using the case provided for Final Project I: Malpractice, complete the provided worksheet using complete sentences and submit to your instructor as a Microsoft Word document.

    Your instructor will use the rubric below to make sure you have correctly identified the crucial facts in the malpractice case. 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    Guidelines for Submission: Complete and submit the Describe the Case worksheet.

    Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

    Parties Includes all of the parties in the case

    Incorrectly or incompletely identifies the parties in the case

    Does not identify parties in the case


    Facts and Circumstances

    Accurately explains the facts and circumstances that brought the parties to court

    Mentions some of the facts and circumstances that brought the parties to court

    Does not correctly identify facts and circumstances that brought the parties to court


    Question of Fact or Question of Law

    Correctly explains whether the court is deciding a question of fact or a question of law

    Correctly identifies whether the court is deciding a question of fact or a question of law, but does not provide supporting facts. 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    Does not correctly identify whether the court is deciding question of fact or question of law


    Facts That Raise Issues

    Clearly explains which facts of the case raise issues

    Correctly identifies facts that raise issues but does not provide supporting information

    Does not correctly identify facts that raise issues in the case


    Explanation of Nonissues

    Clearly explains the nonissues of the case

    Correctly identifies nonissues of the case but does not explain them

    Does not correctly identify nonissues of the case


    Total 100%


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    Final Project I Guidelines and Rubric

    Overview Healthcare professionals must have a strong working knowledge of ethics and law to be competent and successful. A qualified professional knows how to provide safe, quality healthcare to a population of culturally diverse consumers. To address the needs of all patients, you can apply models such as shared decision making, where patients are encouraged to share their preferences and needs. The application of this model requires that healthcare professionals know how to apply ethical theories such as patient autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, and fidelity when caring for patients. On a daily basis, healthcare professionals face ethical dilemmas involving patients and colleagues. Understanding how to effectively apply the code of ethics in your field, and various other codes of professional conduct, is an important skill required of all healthcare professionals. By applying ethical decision making, you positively impact the delivery of safe, quality healthcare. 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    Under certain circumstances, healthcare professionals can be sued by patients for malpractice; it is more common for physicians to be sued when patients are injured or die as a result of their medical care. Healthcare professionals need a clear understanding of the elements of medical malpractice (standard of care, breach, causation, and damages) and how they are applied by a judge in a court of law. Healthcare professionals play a critical role due to the nature of their relationship with both patients and physicians. To remain competent and grow in the field, healthcare professionals are expected to understand how their professional responsibility includes a wide-ranging accountability to self, their profession, their patients, and the public.

    Your final case study for this course will require you to analyze a court decision in which a physician was found liable for medical malpractice. You will focus on facts pertaining to the medical standard of care, breach of care, and causation, and explain how they were applied to law. You will then use the facts of the case to identify an ethics issue and determine an ethical theory that would help provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient. Next, you will apply a clinician–patient shared decision-making model to describe how the ethics issue could be resolved. You will also include a discussion about possible violations of the code of ethics in your given field. Lastly, you will augment or vary the facts of the case to create a hypothetical scenario that changes the outcome so that the physician is no longer liable for medical malpractice.

    Final Project I is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven. 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

    Analyze the impact of healthcare-related policy and legislature with regard to culturally diverse healthcare consumers and providers




    Determine ethical theories and decision-making models appropriate for healthcare providers to use for providing a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient

    Analyze the role of professional regulation, the standard of care, and codes of ethics in determining healthcare providers’ wide-ranging accountability to self, their profession, their patients, and the public


    Prompt In this project, you will analyze a court case involving medical malpractice. Using your analysis of the case, you will address the facts pertaining to the medical standard of care, breach of care, and causation. Further, you will use the facts from the original case to identify an ethics issue, determine an ethical theory that would help provide a safe and quality healthcare experience for the patient, apply a clinician–patient shared decision-making model, and augment or vary the facts of the case to change the outcome.

    You will use the following case to analyze for Final Project I:

    Surgery: Iturralde v. Hilo Medical Center USA


    Specifically, your case study must address the following critical elements:

    I. Introduction: A. Summarize the selected case, including information on the stakeholders involved, the problem, and the time period the incident occurred.

    II. Medical Malpractice Component: In this section, you will evaluate the case to address the legal components, the malpractice policies similar to this

    case, and the standard of care given to the patient and how it was breached. Then, you will draw connections to how this malpractice case impacted stakeholders and healthcare consumers outside of the case.

    A. Explain the key legal components of the case, including the nature of the issue and the rules that applied. B. Determine relevant malpractice policies in place for addressing the issues within the case. C. Analyze the malpractice case for the standard of care provided to the victim. Be sure to apply what the law states about standard of care to

    support whether or not it was breached in the case. D. Analyze how the malpractice case would impact healthcare consumers from different cultural backgrounds. For example, would this case have a

    similar impact on a person from a culture different from the one in the case? How could this incident change the views of these healthcare consumers toward the healthcare system?

    E. Assess the malpractice case for accountability based on its severity. To what extent was the healthcare provider held accountable?




    III. Ethical Component: In this section, you will evaluate the case to identify the specific ethical issues and determine ethical theories and shared decision- making models that would help resolve the issue and provide a safe, quality healthcare experience. Then, you will propose and defend ethical guidelines for healthcare providers to follow in order to avoid future incidents.

    A. Describe the ethical issues that led to the malpractice case and explain why the issues are credited with causing the incident. Support your response with research and relevant examples from the case.

    B. Describe an ethical theory that would help resolve the issue and provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient. Support your response with research and relevant examples from the case. 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    C. Select a physician–patient shared decision-making model and explain how it would provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient D. Propose ethical guidelines that would have helped prevent the incident and would help the organization prevent future incidents. E. Defend how your proposed ethical guidelines will hold healthcare providers accountable to themselves, their profession, their patients, and the


    II. Recommendations: In this section, you will utilize the knowledge you gained from your malpractice and ethical analyses to recommend and defend strategies that would help improve medical practices and avoid future liability.

    A. Recommend preventative strategies the healthcare provider could implement to avoid liability in the future. B. Defend how your recommended preventative strategies would assist the healthcare provider in avoiding liability and provide a safe, quality

    healthcare experience for the patient. 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    Milestone One: Malpractice Case Milestones

    In Module Three, you will submit a 2- to 3-page paper. You will complete part of your analysis of the malpractice case. Using this analysis of the case, you will address the facts pertaining to the medical standard of care, breach of care, and causation. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

    Milestone Two: Ethical Components of the Malpractice Case In Module Five, you will submit 2- to 3-page paper. You will use the facts from the original case to identify an ethics issue, determine an ethical theory that would help provide a safe and quality healthcare experience for the patient, apply a clinician–patient shared decision-making model, and augment or vary the facts of the case to change the outcome This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    Final Submission: Malpractice Case Analysis In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project I Rubric.




    Final Project I Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your case study should be a 4- to 6-page Microsoft Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. All citations and references should be formatted according to the most recent APA guidelines.

    Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value

    Introduction: Summarize

    Summarizes the case, including information on the stakeholders involved, the problem, and the time period of the incident that occurred (100%). 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    Summarizes the case, but summary is cursory or illogical, contains inaccuracies, or does not include information on stakeholders, the problem, or the time period of the incident (55%)

    Does not summarize the case (0%) 2.24

    Medical Malpractice

    Component: Legal Components

    Meets “Proficient” criteria, and explanation demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the key legal components of the case (100%)

    Explains the key legal components of the case, including the nature of the issue and the rules that applied (85%)

    Explains the key legal components of the case, but analysis is illogical, contains inaccuracies, or does not include the nature of the issue or the rules that applied (55%). 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    Does not explain the key legal components of the case (0%)


    Medical Malpractice Component: Malpractice


    Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a sophisticated awareness of which policies address the issues within the case (100%)

    Determines relevant malpractice policies in place for addressing the issues within the case (85%)

    Determines malpractice policies, but response lacks detail, or the chosen policies are irrelevant or do not address the issues of the case (55%)

    Does not determine relevant malpractice policies in place for addressing the issues within the case (0%)


    Medical Malpractice Component:

    Standard of Care

    Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates astute ability in applying what the law states about standard of care to determine whether or not it was breached in the case (100%)

    Analyzes the malpractice case for the standard of care provided to the victim, and applies what the law states about standard of care to support whether or not it was breached in the case (85%). 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    Analyzes the malpractice case for the standard of care provided to the victim, but does not apply what the law states about standard of care (55%)

    Does not analyze the malpractice case for the standard of care provided to the victim (0%)






    Malpractice Component:

    Cultural Backgrounds

    Meets “Proficient” criteria, and analysis makes cogent connections between the incident and its impact on healthcare consumers from different cultural backgrounds (100%)

    Analyzes how the malpractice case would impact healthcare consumers from different cultural backgrounds (85%)

    Analyzes how the malpractice case would impact healthcare consumers from different cultural backgrounds, but analysis is cursory or contains inaccuracies (55%)

    Does not analyze how the malpractice case would impact healthcare consumers from different cultural backgrounds (0%)


    Medical Malpractice Component:


    Meets “Proficient” criteria, and assessment makes a cogent connection to the level of accountability held against the healthcare provider based on the severity of the case (100%)

    Assesses the malpractice case for accountability based on its severity and explains the level of accountability the healthcare provider was held to (85%). 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    Assesses the malpractice case for accountability based on its severity and explains the level of accountability the healthcare provider was held to, but explanation lacks detail or is illogical (55%)

    Does not assess the malpractice case for accountability based on its severity (0%)


    Ethical Component: Ethical Issues

    Meets “Proficient” criteria, and research and examples provided demonstrate a complex grasp of how the ethical issues led to the malpractice case (100%)

    Describes the ethical issues that led to the malpractice case and explains why the issues are credited with causing the incident, and supports with research and relevant examples (85%)

    Describe the ethical issues that led to the malpractice case and explains why the issues are credited with causing the incident, but description lacks details or does not support with research and relevant examples (55%). 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    Does not describe the ethical issues that led to the malpractice case and does not explain why the issues are credited with causing the incident (0%)


    Ethical Component: Ethical Theory

    Meets “Proficient” criteria, and research and examples provided demonstrate a complex grasp of how the ethical theory would help resolve the issue and provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient (100%)

    Describes an ethical theory that would help resolve the issue and provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient, and supports with research and relevant examples from the case (85%)

    Describes an ethical theory that would help resolve the issue and provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient, but description lacks detail, is illogical, or does not support with research or relevant examples (55%)

    Does not describe an ethical theory that would help resolve the issue and provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient (0%)





    Ethical Component:

    Shared Decision- Making Model

    Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a nuanced understanding of appropriate physician–patient shared decision-making models that would provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient (100%)

    Selects a physician–patient shared decision-making model and explains how it would provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient (85%). 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    Selects a physician–patient shared decision-making model and explains how it would provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient, but explanation lacks detail (55%)

    Does not select a physician– patient shared decision-making model and does not explain how it would provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient (0%)


    Ethical Component: Ethical Guidelines

    Meets “Proficient” criteria and makes a cogent connection between the proposed ethical guidelines and how they would prevent the current and future incidents (100%)

    Proposes ethical guidelines that would have helped prevent the incident and would help the organization prevent future incidents (85%)

    Proposes ethical guidelines that would have helped prevent the incident and would help the organization prevent future incidents, but proposal is cursory (55%)

    Does not propose ethical guidelines that would have helped prevent the current and future incidents (0%)


    Ethical Component: Defend

    Meets “Proficient” criteria and makes cogent connections among the proposed ethical guidelines and how to hold healthcare providers accountable to themselves, their profession, their patients, and the public (100%)

    Defends how the proposed ethical guidelines will hold healthcare providers accountable to themselves, their profession, their patients, and the public (85%). 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case

    Defends how the proposed ethical guidelines will hold healthcare providers accountable to themselves, their profession, their patients, and the public, but defense lacks detail or is illogical (55%)

    Does not defend how the proposed ethical guidelines will hold healthcare providers accountable to themselves, their profession, their patients, and the public (0%)


    Recommendations: Preventative


    Meets “Proficient” criteria, and recommendations masterfully demonstrate how the healthcare provider can avoid liability in the future (100%)

    Recommends preventative strategies the healthcare provider could implement to avoid liability in the future (85%)

    Recommends preventative strategies the healthcare provider could implement to avoid liability in the future, but recommendations are cursory or illogical (55%)

    Does not recommend preventative strategies the healthcare provider could implement to avoid liability in the future (0%)






    Defend Meets “Proficient” criteria and makes cogent connections among the recommended preventative strategies and how they would assist in avoiding liability and provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient (100%)

    Defends how the recommended preventative strategies would assist the healthcare provider in avoiding liability and provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient (85%)

    Defends how the recommended preventative strategies would assist the healthcare provider in avoiding liability and provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient, but defense is cursory or illogical (55%)

    Does not defend how the recommended preventative strategies would assist the healthcare provider in avoiding liability and provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient (0%)


    Articulation of Response

    Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to- read format (100%)

    Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization (85%)

    Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas (55%)

    Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas (0%). 1-2 Worksheet – Describe the Case


    Total 100%

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