Picot Statement and Literature Paper

Picot Statement and Literature Paper

Picot Statement and Literature Paper

While the implementation plan prepares students to apply their research to the problem or issue they have identified for their capstone change proposal project, the literature review enables students to map out and move into the active planning and development stages of the project.


A literature review analyzes how current research supports the PICOT, as well as identifies what is known and what is not known in the evidence. Students will use the information from the earlier PICOT Statement Paper and Literature Evaluation Table assignments to develop a 750-1,000 word review that includes the following sections:

Title page

Introduction section

A comparison of research questions

A comparison of sample populations

A comparison of the limitations of the study

A conclusion section, incorporating recommendations for further research

Prepare APA style

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    Picot Question

    Monica Castelao

    Grand Canyon University

    July 1, 2018

    Picot Question

    1. PICOT statement under Nurse staffing problems.

    Nursing practices are facing common problem worldwide. Nursing is a vital sector that needs to be honored and equipped with excellent staffing. It is a pivotal part in the field of medicine as the nurses take necessary care of the patients in the healthcare facilities. The staffing of the nurses’ act as a reducing agent for burnouts in nurses since they are engaged in a lot of activities. Inadequate staffing in hospitals often offer poor services and are not in a position to attend to their patients as required. The purpose of the argument is that almost all the nursing activities are demanding and involves sacrifice which can cause burnouts for them. The statement to outline the picot statement for the clinical nursing issues that healthcare facilities face poor staffing.

    Population(P): The population for this study are patients in critical health care. Patients from the critical care units are suitable since the patients give firsthand information that we gathered in an attempt to discover the effect of inadequate nurse staffing. Clinical centers with staffing issues usually offer the patients poor services probably due to too much duties and working burnout. The implementation of nurses and patients was essential for the study since they have dependable and trustworthy information on the topic of research.

    Intervention(I): This part is significant because it expounds on the way the researchers handled the population delivering the information since they are designed for the study. The patients in the critical area unit responded without coercion. It encompasses family members from the recording and beside reports. Moreover, there is the privacy of specific ideas that may be considered personal by the patients.

    Comparison(C): The patients in the critical care units are the ones who need attention from the nurses, so, they give the information of the status of the nurse staffing as compared to other patients in the hospital. The delivery of the data for the researcher usually focuses on a general question not personal.

    Outcome(O): The outcome from the result of the critical care patients are compared to that of the general patient population to be sure of the information collected. The one which identifies that there are staffing issues will be chosen.

    Time(T): The time of the outcome will be measured after approximately two weeks.

    2. Picot statement of neonates in level III-IV

    In neonates in a level III-IV NICU (population), healthy term newborns receiving SSC (intervention) compared to healthy newborns in a radiant warmer (comparison) more beneficial in stabilization and promotion of the overall well-being of the newborn (outcome) within the first month of them being born.

    (P) Population: Healthy newborns (ranging 1- 4 weeks born) receiving SSC compared to healthy newborns in a radiant warmer. Patients other than healthy newborns will be excluded.

    (I) Intervention: Subjects randomized group one will be a healthy newborn with some complications such as jaundice, and or respiratory distress. Will be placed on the radiant warmer as indicated all day. Will be taken out only for feedings or when visited. Subjects randomized group two will be a healthy newborn with some complications such as jaundice and or respiratory distress such as group one. However, group two will be put skin to skin with alternating parents for a total of or about 16 hours a day for seven days a week.

    (C) Comparison: A standardized supervised regimen would be used on both groups. For a total of 6 weeks. Using this technique, we will be in a position to identify what group receives a better outcome.

    (O) Outcome: The group with better results will locate what regimen is better a radiant warmer or SSC for healthy newborns with similar conditions such as jaundice and or respiratory distress.

    (T) Time The outcome will be measured weekly for six weeks.


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    Fleming, P.J., Unexpected collapse of apparently healthy newborn infants: the benefits and potential risks of skin to skin contact. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 97-2012 DO: 10.1624/105812407X217147

    Altimier L, Phillips R.M. The Neonatal Itegrative Developmental Care Model: Seven neuroprotective core measures for family-centered developmental care. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews. 2013;(1):9-22.

    Bingolow A.E, Power M, McLellan- Peters J. Alex M, McDonald C. Effect of mother /infant skin to skin contact on postpartum depressive symptoms and maternal physiological stress. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecological, and Neonatal Nursing 2012;41:369-382 [PubMed]

    Cannon, S. (Ed.). (2012). Introduction to nursing research. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (Eds.). (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

    Svivastava S. Gupta A.,Bhathagan A., Dutta S. Effect of very early skin to skin contact on success at breastfeeding and preventing early hypothermia in neonates. Indian Journal of Public Health 2014;58 (1):22-6

    Chamberlin D. Windows to the womb revealing the conscious baby from conception to birth. Berkley. CA: North Atlanta books. 2013.

    Moore ER, et., al. Early skin to skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants. Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews 2016, Issue 11. Art.No.:CD003519.DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD003519 Pub4.